layzie vs firehawk853

sorry papi

hahaha mark i love it…but u forgot the vid of me beating the hawk. or u didnt want to post that one cuz it might make ur fbod crew look bad to the other fbod owners

edited cuz i could careless

What was with all the false starts in the video? -_-

You all need to fucking chill out…it was a fucking race…if ur all really that concerned line them up again from a roll name speeds and a dig 1320 ft

missing gears or him jumping me too much

oh we are doing it again. chuck was a cool guy i got no problem running again cuz it was fun

No I know that, I meant why was it in the video. I was right behind you both. Was a damn good race though. Oh well, gg. :tup:

You guys ALL say that, all this honda has to do is flip a switch and he’s running high boost, and crazy amounts of horsepower blah blah blah, and Chuck has to get out and pull the blower off and yada yada yada…to do the same. Well I don’t know about anyone else here but If I was racing the Hawk and all I had to do was flip a switch to make more power knowing that the hawk isn’t set up for high boost, UMMMMM… Yeah. If I got pulled on “low boost” I would hit that switch.
I don’t buy it, If he was so-called running on low boost and just staying with the Hawk or getting pulled by the Hawk, or even pulling on the Hawk, or whatever the fuck your debate is, then why not just flip the little magic switch and blow the Hawks doors off. It’s just like me and Kingsario, I thought I had him on motor and he got me, so guess what, I opened the bottle. It’s just really hard for me to believe, but what do I know, I’m just an E-thug domestic drivin retard with “Mustang Mentality”.


The switch is high boost/low boost I assume.

Low boost is for pump gas

High boost = race gas

Seems the hatch wasn’t in kill mode and on pump, hence, low boost.

maybe u should read into that more. its a flip of a switch when im on race gas. i was out cruzing around and just ended up at mighty not even knowing he was gonna be there. im not gonna drive around on race gas when its crazy expensive. street tires and pump gas, i hit a switch to jump maps in my ecu thats all. but i need better tires and race gas. and ya i was def low boost if u would like to sit in my car and watch my boost gauge go ur more then welcome if u dont believe.

No It’s cool I’ll take your word for it, just telling you what I would’ve done and why. Didn’t know you were on pump gas, thought that this race was setup.

no i acutally was out cruzin around west seneca then shot over to some ricer meet that didnt happen at eastern hills mall and then ended up at mighty and almost left cuz my gf was getting cranky but stuck around and chuck showed up so i was like what the hell we can run

:tup: to NO bs or excuses on your part for sure…
I wanna see this car run with more boost…
Fast 4 cylinders are awesome when their drivers aren’t dicks :tup:
well really that is with any car :pimp:

this thread is skitzophrenic like whoa

click here its something to see

edited sense he edited

who the fuck are u. i havent been a dick at all in this thread. but i didn come across all u say shit on other forums about me tho. how does me out for a cruz not knowing i would run into chuck an excuse are u slow or something. u been running ur mouth about me sense that last thread.[/QUOTE]

I edited it:
I meant “teeup to no excuses and bs on your part”

layzie > my Pre-School grammer


then my bad on the flip out. cuz i was about ot say i def made it clear that i wasnt making excuses

yes indeed :tup: