How convenient it must be to criticize and second guess the men and women who volunteer to protect our country/countries when, I bet, the majority haven’t walked a mile in a servicemen’s boots.
How convenient it must be to criticize and second guess the men and women who volunteer to protect our country/countries when, I bet, the majority haven’t walked a mile in a servicemen’s boots.
what is anti-american about discussing significant current events?
if it were british soldiers this wouldnt be anti-british…
Gates takes the appropriate approach imho but not clearly enough, fog of war - shit happens - you cant come down on these guys because it may just as well have been an RPG and they save likes 85% of time… everyone gets that. the interesting part here for me is that Reuters was able to get the video released and it got enough attention to have Gates issue that statement… it’s nice to know that no everything can be swept under the rug… no one is suggesting any action be taken
Please note… im not discrediting any of our servicemen… I cant imagine what its like to be over there/in a situation like this.
Oops, wikileaks sure did a nice job pointing out the two journalists, but wanted to make sure you didn’t see the guys with AK47’s and an RPG.
And that’s why we’re not still part of the British Commonwealth. God save the queen!
I cant imagine having to shoot somebody… i guess if its my life/friends life or theirs, I wouldnt hesitate…
I’m thankful Ive never been in that position.
Ps… the video jay posted is much more clear… I also love how fox news changed my perspective of it all now… same videos, different commentary… ahhh propaganda.
That video made it seem like those soldiers should have known there were children in the car. That would have been impossible. If americans are firing at people, what makes you think it’s OK to pull up in a van and collect the body? You are just making yourself look suspicious and opening yourself up to get shot. And to the people (maybe not here, but elsewhere), who think it was obvious that it was a camera and not a weapon…that’s some bullshit. There is no way you could tell what it was.
It’s messed up that they were laughing and be playful about it, though.
…so the guy trying to crawl away on the curb…when the van came to pick him up…he was one of the photographers, correct?
I personally know several war photographers so that part slightly disturbs me.
when I seen Jay’s post, and im like great…fox news…lol but their perspective on the story is alot more clearer, but I dont know if anyone of you notice, the scope or the camera from the copter has the ability to zoom in ALOT closer. im just confused to why didnt they do that when the group of men were walking down the street. they could have utilized it to identify who had what on them, and even with the engagement of the van, Im sure they could have magnified the scope and found the two children in the front seat and took alot more cautious approach to that situation. like people said above me, we can go back and forth all day discussing who was right, but unless you were in those soldiers’ shoes, you dont have a clue to what went through their mind when this happened, or their mentality when they approached this situation. another thing I want to mention is, I didnt post this to bash on “AMERICAN” soldiers, Im not an immature child, but I was really disgusted by their reaction to this entire incident, which made me post it.
It’s unfortunate that Fox has to add spin to so much to their viewer base because for things like this you realize there is a need for them in the news business. MSNBC and CNN would prefer to just report the wikileaks version because that’s what their viewer base wants to believe.
I guess you’re right to some degree, but fox news…they dont sit right with me…like a news channel shouldnt be biased, and I kno all of them are to some extent, but Fox news IMHO leads that list, and they dont even handle them selves like a news network, more like a gossip network, pisses the shit out of me when I watch some of their material because of that anything with foxnews related. automatically just gets discredited in my head … and I got a bunch of friends in the Journalism program doing 3rd year in university, and they cannot STAND fox news, for the exact same reasn and more lol thats how much we hate it here lol
They are no more biased to the right than MSNBC is to the left. Anyone who can’t concede that point really needs to look themselves in the mirror because you’re the reason biased news stations exist.
ya you are right, but I’m happy with watching my CP24 network, with no added emotions or propaganda BS to fuel the sides.
On their opinion shows, you’re absolutely right. The difference is, moreso than anyone else, FOX presents their opinions on the “news” side. Jon Stewart just assailed them for flat out lying about the facts on the new nuclear arms treaty…the political fact checkers saw it and basically looked into it and confirmed that he was right. The worst part is that it’s working for them in the ratings, so MSNBC and the like are starting to do more of it. They’re not at Fox’s level yet, but they may be if it continues. Meanwhile CNN is dropping back further and further with their down the center approach.
To quote your buddy Obama, “You are entitled to your own opinions. Not your own facts.”
The problem with you americans is that you keep living the illusion that you’re saving the world when you’re actually fucking up the whole world and bringing about world turmoil and war.
tthis is exactly what Bing said would happen, and you sir, contributed to that with full force, Thumbs up
Everyone has their own opinions on world issues. Now lets go back to talking cars.
Id say most people have a pretty good handle on how pointless and shitty most of this is.
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