Leaked RIAA Training Video. LOL!!

Pirate CD’s lead to drug addiction and terrorism… :rofl:

lol wow

Wait, people actually sell pirated CDs still, or is the video just old? The RIAA is a joke.

would you like crack with that?

they sell em all the time in nyc

after i just bought this bootleg jay-z cd i feel the need for some weed. then after the weed i think i might just move up the drug chain and buy some cocaine or possibly meth.

Don’t forget some assault rifles

hmmmm… sooo where could one purchase said crack/compact disc combo?

For every CD you pirate God kills a US Citizen.

Hopefully just the stupid ones.


Hey guys I just downloaded Brittany’s newest album. And I want to buy a nuclear explosive device can anyone help me?

IB4 FBI filters pick up Fuzzy’s statement above and he ends up declared an enemy combatant.

Been nice knowing you. :slight_smile:

Been nice knowing you.

^ Gotta admit I laughed at Jihad hats.

I buy my pirated CDs “With” all the time… you guys didn’t know about that??