Led Lights

Hey guys, i just got a shipment in of 6 led strips that are about 20 inches long. Im not to sure where i want to put them. Anyone have some cool ideas? I already got the footwells lit up, and im not sure where else to put them.

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Are they colored or just white light? If just regular lighting, then you could use them to light the trunk area. If colored, you probably won’t get many suggestions different from those above since most people here aren’t really ino the whole interior modification scene.

if they’re white, you could also put them under the front seats to light the floor area in the backseat.

make a LED banner across your windshield.

Im in the process of removing LED’s aka de-riceing from the Mini. BMW’s dont like LED’s

Well they are white, i have the footwell ones come on when the door opens. It gives off a much cleaner light than stock bulbs. It gives a nice effect at night. I was thinking about putting them in the front bumper. I cant decide if it will look good or not.

Imagine the led lights in those slits in the bumper.

Go for it !!!

Add glow in the dark paint to the license plate also. Remove the bulbs illuminating the plate . awesome weight reduction.

Also heard that the glow in dark paste can’t be scene by cameras while you are stealing gasoline…

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