anyways I won’t go into details as of right now…
has anyone with a clean record ever had assault charges against them?
My cousin did, he paid out the ass for lawyer fees and did alot of community service to get it reduced to disorderly conduct.
it’s hopefully going to come down to self defense since there are alot of witness’s but just figured I would ask.
BTW its only a class c misdemeanor
depending on what happened, and what type of specific assult charges there are, there may be something you can do to get out of it or get it reduced. most likely though, no matter what you record, u will have something go on it. most everywhere is no tollerance when it comes to this but because it is your first offense, you may be able to get it down to something thats easier to live with. to be honest, i have not looked at any assult cases thyus far in school, however, depending on how bad it is, who your lawyer is, who the judge is and what the case actually was, then you might get off a little easier because it was your first offense. hell, u might be able to get the charges dropped completely.
like i said, it all depends on the exact situation, and what happened. without knowing that, i cant really offer much more. if you’re willing to say a little more as to what happened (even just being very very general) i could prob tell u a little more as to if you have a chance at getting the charges completely dropped or not.
edit: after reading your last post, it sounds like u got in a fight that u didnt start and the other guy came out worse than u did. theres a pretty good chance that you could prob get everything dropped. the only thing that i would be worried about is the whitnesses. again i am assuming here (and u kno what they say about people who assume, but here goes anyway) that u got into a fight downtown at a bar or something, and they MAY question the credibility if the whitnesses especailly if they were under the influence of alcohol at the time. i did read a case where (while not related to assult) the credibility of a key whitness in a case was denied because the whitness was high at the time.
misdemeaner is still a crime, you have to post it on application and such
Edited, sorry it was late and I was tired, thanks for looking out guys
i just made a huge edit to my post, hope that helps, if not sorry for wasting your time.
Mike, I sent you a pm to explain alittle better and once again please do not post any info I sent you.
like I just said before anyone that knows me, knows that unless its 110% necessary I wouldn’t throw a punch.
^^ message replied too. and i will keep everything confidential for sure.
put crimes on your resume?
Uhm… resume?
And the only time I’ve ever heard of any of these questions asked is something along the lines of “have you ever been convicted of a Felony?”…
yup Kept me from going into the service too
to make a long story short… my ex-g/f was following me home from pepboys (was getting my tires changed after work) and some dude was driving like a retard, and ran her into oncoming traffic and a bunch of other stupid shit.
I saw it and followed his ass to his fire hall to have some words… all his firefighter buddies came running out. We exchanged some words and some shoving and I left… next thing I know I have 3 cops showing up @ my g/f’s house with a present for me. Dude tried going after me in court and pressed charges on me :roll:
judge let me go with a 6 month acd, which kept me from going into the Army :tdown:
if a place does a background check u have to put it on the application
yep, yep. Most places ask you if you have ever been convicted of a crime, not a felony. Therefore he would have to put it on there
thats nto a resume, that is a a job application
applications…not the resume.
edit:^^ beat me to it
Shit, sorry I’m a retartd. Anyways, gotta list it
On a side note, it would be funny to list it on a resume. Might look good if you are going for a bouncer position
this post is hysterical.
ahahahahahaaaaaa :tup:
you can lie as much as you want on a resume without consequences if you get hired. the application is the one you can’t lie on without consequences.
meh heat transfer>me paying attention