Legalize it?

i think what it all comes down to is that some people dont know how to control themselves and not abuse things. if you start smoking pot and spending all of your money on it, of course your going to have problems. there are very different kinds of potheads. those who smoke to get high, those who cant control their smoking habit, and those who smoke to make money.

now tell me whos going to be most profitable out of all those people and who is going to succeed further in life? its all about how you choose to do it.

in the past it has been proven that most people dont know how to control it, and that is why it is illegal. i have been on every side of the “game”, for a lack of a better word and let me tell you, its all how you as a person approach the subject.

with that being said, im sure you can see who is who and what people fit into each category. im sure jojo knows how to buy it and not lose/waste money on it. a few others, wont name any names, spend alot of money on it and dont have anything to show for it.

The biggest reason i would say people end up being useless and nonproductive off it is because they arent getting anything except a buzz off it. The same cant be applied to drinking, a person who owns a bar is going to be more productive when they drink because they see drinking in a new light, they can get drunk with their friends and make money. Someone who just goes to a bar to drink will look at it much different.

With that being said, maybe you people can stop being so hypocritical and open your eyes a little more to what kind of world we live in and why they ban shit like this.