Legalize it?

Redrum is exactly right. There are just many alcoholics as
full blown potheads. Abusing any substance is bad, self control is essential

How can a person who has Zero experience with the substances and subculture make such judgments? You are making guesses based on no reasonable knowledge of the subject. Thats not very credible or even fair.

“Illegal world of drugs” hahah, Im sorry but that sounds really childish and sheltered. You make it sound like there is a golden doorway overgrown with pot plants and a path lined with cocaine into the wonderful WORLD OF DRUGS. Just that mindset is silly. To make and sound judgments or decisions a person should have reasonable knowledge of whatever the subject is.

SHOW ME PROOF THAT A MAJOR PERCENTAGE OF THOSE WHO HAVE DONE COKE HAVE NOT DONE WEED PRIOR… that is my point… (I doubt you can)… of the few in this thread who have admitted to the more addictive narcotics, all have openly admitted to smoking pot prior.

that is the definition of gateway… the words i chose to illustrate my point are just that…words… don’t take my credibility on the subject or the words i use out of context. you get my point, dont chastise me.

JUST BECAUSE I HAVENT DONE THE DRUGS BY THE WAY… does not mean i have no experience… I’m around it atleast 40 hours a week… I see more than I need to.

The bold phrase is the KEY to everything in life. It took me a little while to understand that but that is a major step forward in growing up.

also remember this: Everything is Relative

[SIZE=2]“Legality” is bullshit. Its just a idea that someone came up with. It can change tomorrow. It is not finite or permanent. It is relative. Everything in life is a game. Rules change.

People need to be independent thinkers and understand life and their own limitations. DON’T impose rules that should apply to you on others that don’t have the same problems… and I won’t do vice versa. Handle your business as it applies to you and the world will be a better place.

If this country stopped micro managing everything the population might learn some more responsibility. dignity, and self respect.

(Check places like Europe for an example)

Thats why I made my alcohol comment. Shouldn’t alcohol be considered a gateway to drugs then?

If you havent spent a decent amount of time around the people and in the scene then thats exactly what it means.

The simple fact that you make a direct comparison between Heroin and Weed makes this obvious.

Im sorry dude but your picking up after heroin addict is the ER teaches you NOTHING about what we are discussing. I won’t bother pursuing this further because you don’t understand the scope of what you are talking about.
No book, or drop i n the bucket ER time will teach you this.

Only experience

OOOHHH… so since i dont do drugs means my opinion is invalid… be serious…

With that logic, only users would have a valid opinion… and I’d place my money on what biased opinion they would provide…

gtfo of here… Seeing losers come in off the streets looking to get high in the er… and seeing losers come in HIGH off the streets… is enough for me to say that shit shouldnt be allowed… I see my fair share of drunks too, AND IT IS EQUALLY ANNOYING… the moderation thing is key, but should it be legal… no. because as stated before, regulation would be impossible and there would be too much gray area…

How can you tell if I’m driving while high? it would obviously be illegal… but how can you do a field sobriety test… again… too much gray area… urine, hair, etc etc tests go back too far to be effective and cost to much… IT WOULD BE UNABLE TO BE MODERATED AND PEOPLE HERE wouldnt be able to regulate themselves like they do in “other countries”

So is this a battle of Booze against Pot?

Cause I seriously won’t lie, I wish I never drank. I’ve never smoked pot, I just cannot afford those days where you go out to drink which turn out to something like this:

purchase 12 pack - 10bucks

start drinking at 8pm, Drink 12 pack
go to the bar at 10-1030 pull out 40 bucks
drink all that I can. around 1230 - 1am take out another 40 bucks
drink til 3am. dilemma do I stay and continue to talk to random girl I met that night or go home. If she is worth it, back to the atm for 40 more.

4am get the boot to out of the bar with girl or with just her number to talk to her at a later date.

taxi home 14 bucks.

pass out, wake up at 1pm hung over and finally functional again at 10pm to just go back to bed to be ready for work at 8am.

36+ hours later and 144 bucks gone. I think I’m done with alcohol for good.

I could have gone into work during those 36 hours so minus 8 - 10 hours of pay.

Huge waste of my time…

Is pot at all like this? The only thing I know is from my friend smoking themselves retarded ( I don;'t know what it costs them) and after 3 or 4 years of it. No motivation, and what seems like a delayed reaction cause of practically mental retardation.

Idk, I’m just gonna have to beat my children if they think about either when they are in my household

edit: I just busted out the calc… Saying I have one night of drinking a week… $7400 ugh… thats just too much I’m gonna make my 15th attempt at stopping to drink

Read exactly what I wrote. Don’t twist it to what suits your argument.

^Nothing there says you need to USE drugs to have an understanding of the scope of this subject.


This is EXACTLY the problem with your “experience”. ALL you see is the losers. All you see only the worst of the worst and thats it. How can you POSSIBLY have any perspective and see the big picture with such a biased sample?

Do you understand what I am saying here?

Why? Are Americans that much more immature and ignorant then other countries? By your logic they are (and maybe you are right) Here we start to shed some light on why other countries of the world think Americans are ignorant and immature.

Maybe its time we start teaching the people here something more.

100% true and it pisses me off soo fucking much

Willybeen, understand this: Argument is not personal and respect for your experience and what you do.

  • Im not knocking your general knowledge. My only point is that what you have been exposed to is not broad enough in nature to give you a complete overview of whats involved.

Honestly I REALLY DON’T KNOW if weed should be legalized. I don’t smoke it and don’t care so much either way. I do, however, have a HUGE problem with how people perceive weed and certain drugs as BEING SO EVIL. Thats not the case. Thats really the only reason Im in this debate.

i think what it all comes down to is that some people dont know how to control themselves and not abuse things. if you start smoking pot and spending all of your money on it, of course your going to have problems. there are very different kinds of potheads. those who smoke to get high, those who cant control their smoking habit, and those who smoke to make money.

now tell me whos going to be most profitable out of all those people and who is going to succeed further in life? its all about how you choose to do it.

in the past it has been proven that most people dont know how to control it, and that is why it is illegal. i have been on every side of the “game”, for a lack of a better word and let me tell you, its all how you as a person approach the subject.

with that being said, im sure you can see who is who and what people fit into each category. im sure jojo knows how to buy it and not lose/waste money on it. a few others, wont name any names, spend alot of money on it and dont have anything to show for it.

The biggest reason i would say people end up being useless and nonproductive off it is because they arent getting anything except a buzz off it. The same cant be applied to drinking, a person who owns a bar is going to be more productive when they drink because they see drinking in a new light, they can get drunk with their friends and make money. Someone who just goes to a bar to drink will look at it much different.

With that being said, maybe you people can stop being so hypocritical and open your eyes a little more to what kind of world we live in and why they ban shit like this.

already have, thanks.

I’ve drank maybe 3 times in my life, honestly did not like it. Havent done it in over a year, and plan on keeping it that way hopefully forever.

shoot up, its cooler

I agree 100%, thank you for typing everything that just went through my head…

Edit: I voted against, and it seems to be that every substance, game, event and or anything a person can/could become addicted (mentally or physically) the government has a tax, law or some kind of legislation to prevent harm to the average Joe…

As much as I would love to indulge in substance abuse AGAIN, I WILL NOT, and definitely not fall victim to any sort of addiction*

(* with the exception of cars =))


YEs. I am exposed to the worst of the worst in this situation. I understand what your saying. My bias is based very much upon this. But I also started going into the city of rochester to collect rent for some of the 80+ rental properties that my dad owned, and I SAW ALOT OF DRUG RELATED Problems there too… but I guess thats the same demographic.

I also go to school where a huge percentage of my friends smoke on a daily basis. And they have smoked themselves retarded… They are not addicted, they might not be doing hard drugs, but I dont see the benefit of them smoking either. THey do it everyday for whatever reason, and function at a far lesser level than they did prior to smoking.

I should have sympathized more toward the casual smoker, but work in an ER on the east side of buffalo and see how medicaid is abused on a daily basis. I dont see legalizing pot to help a huge percentage of the High, STDs, fighting, etc etc (not interelating those problems, but they are the more highly abused complaints where i work) Drugs being legal wouldn’t aid me in trying to LIMIT the amount of unnecessary work that I do day in and day out.

JOJO- that was stupid… it shows why pot SHOULD remain illegal… pot smokers are not philosophical, they are retarded. and side note, kat williams is not that funny. is that the sticky shit you’ve been smoking?

My guess and yes ill venture to guess here, most pot smokers would be more successful and productive if they werent smoking pot. /discussion

but what about drinking… since drinking is bad, shouldn’t pot be legal? :wink: