Legalize it?

FYI, johnny meathead doesn’t have to get drunk to be a pollution on society.

Whatever your poision, if it gets out of control, you should check yourself.

If you want to make this just weed vs alcochol vs cigs vs other drugs, how about we outlaw food? Lots of people get sick and fat and useless and die from heart disease, HBP, complications from diabetes, blah blah blah.

This debate can continue to go on and on. Legalizing something doesn’t mean it’s good.

Ugh, whatever

lol fuck that I wish I was honestly straight edge… I spend far far too much on alcohol already.

Not everyone is going to agree with legalizing any kind of drug. I think that they should just because they could tax the shit out of it BUT they put so much time, money, and effort into making all drugs illegal theres no way there going to back out now. Then again you have to think why would they let you drink and not do drugs?Its about what your doing, its how much your doing of it…

Time. Evolution of perspective. Etc.

A few people said legalization wont happen anytime soon.

I’m willing to put $ on the next 20 years or less.


ohhh i know… xoxo

i dont wanna get in a fight over whos cock is bigger over the internet, congrats at being more productive, you and jojo can go at it in your own little sword fight…

so most pot heads arent fighters, that doesnt make them less of a burden on society. Im not saying every smoker is a problem, im saying drugs are typically abused and a waste

I’m very capable of generating my own opinion and thought. I DO NOT LIKE DRUGS, I Myself have made the decision to not do them… do what you want with your time and money i will do my own thing with mine, however, if I get hit by johnny smoker, or get harassed by a cop because my long hair makes me look like a POT smoker, then eff that.

Ohhh violator… I am far from naive in this subject, ive been in the ER for 4 years, weed is a drug… people who do other drugs have most likely done weed. Id bet it was the very first drug they have done…

It was their gateway to ILLEGAL drugs, fuck anybody who disagrees with that… the majority of the people who do coke, have smoked weed, they just can afford better things, and dont like the high that weed gave them. Which is understandable… people who do coke, are not the same people smoking weed, that wasnt my argument, my argument stated. “PEOPLE WHO DO HARD DRUGS, MOST LIKELY HAVE DONE SOFT DRUGS… aka weed”

Addiction was never a direct part of my argument… me paying for peoples bad habits was… They smoked weed, they now do other drugs… Ill connect the dots myself…

I dont know where to find coke, crack, etc etc… but if I want weed, i know who to call… …that being said… the first person id call for the hard drugs would be the person I knew doing the soft drugs… Damn… if that isnt GATEWAY defined.


gate·way n.
2. Something that serves as an entrance or a means of access:

I’d venture to guess that a major percentage of those people who have done HARD drugs, aka, coke, crack, meth, heroin, etc etc… spent their first dollars toward illegal drugs on marijuana… I for one would not have the slightest clue where to find those drugs. but as stated before the people i Know who smoke could point me in the right direction. They dont do the hard drugs, but they are acting as my entry point into the illegal world of drugs.

Marijuana can be viewed as the gateway drug, and always will be… whether or not everybody who smokes weed will go onto bigger better things (id venture to say 80% of those who smoke weed will never do hard drugs) that being said, i bet those who do the hard drugs. most likely started with weed. (they probably graduated to different drugs since they couldnt find any of the top shelf weed that Productive Jojo was hording… you know they real sticky shit) :bloated:

Too lazy to quote, posting from a phone.

You say people who do hard drugs started with weed. I’d be willing to wager any amount of money they tried booze first, does that mean booze is wrong and should be illegal?

My point was, its a lot easier to get fucked up on pot than beer. The guys I knew were able to go back to thier dorms between classes and get fucked up in no time. Where as with beer it takes a lot more effort.

Pot is somthing people can do almost any part of the day whereas alcohol tends to be an after hours thing. Just my experience living at college. None of the people I know that smoked up regularly made somthing of themselves and wasted thousands of dollars in tuition. Where people like myself who used to get drunk nearly every weekend graduated and have stable lives.

I know there are exceptions to everything and maybe your one of them but right now there are 8th graders at the school that I teach that are wasting thier lives away because of it.

If you want to legalize it the first thing you should do is get people to stop abusing it and use it responsibly. As long as there are useless stoners out there you will never get anywhere.

Regardless of what you think of either, alcohol is far more destructive than marijuana, imo.

haha, i have met and have known and been friends with A LOT of people who smoke weed all day EVERY day. I don’t want to rag on anyone that I have been friends with, but in general they are mostly MUCH more unproductive then they might otherwise be without pot in their system. There are people that can smoke and still be on the more productive side. Hell one of my buddies smokes AND drinks heavily almost everyday and maintains a 3.9 gpa in accounting. But, after having been into that scene for a few years, I would say that for every 1 person that is on the productive/pro-active side, there are around 10 smokers on the unproductive/non-active side. Thats the truth, plain and simple.

Just to let you guys know, when I was habitually smoking pot, I was on the virge of getting kicked out of UB for shitty grades, didnt have a job, never went to class. Pretty much was just draining my parent’s pockets and having a blast every day. Once that came to an end I switched majors to Computer Science and brought my GPA up about a full point, and will be graduating college now about 2.5-3 years later, have a great job where Ive gotten 3 or 4 promotions, and have a steady, HOT girlfriend. Tough to argue with that right there.

How many people went from booze to crack?

Unfortunately in my life I know people who have been addicted to the hard drugs, they all started with weed. The person that sold them the weed knew where to get the crack, can you say the same thing for your local supermarket?

How many people went from booze to crack?

Unfortunately in my life I know people who have been addicted to the hard drugs, they all started with weed. The person that sold them the weed knew where to get the crack, can you say the same thing for your local supermarket?

I somewhat agree about it being a gateway drug. But I have noticed that the only way to obtain weed is to visit some nefarious dealer, usually bringing you into contact with sketchy people who are into hard drugs, thus bringing you into contact with these drugs.

If you could legally buy weed from a store (Amsterdam) you wouldn’t be in contact with these hard drugs… I hope I make sense. I’m drunk in Mexico.

BOOZE IS LEGAL TO BUY AND TO CONSUME… that isnt the argument here… Never have i touched base on alcohol in my arguments… I wont disagree… the matter at hand is should weed be legal… NOT IS ALCOHOL THE NEW GATEWAY DRUG…

and yes… alcohol being legal would most likely be what they started with… but I bet their “IM A BADASS DOING ILLEGAL THINGS” vs “MY FIRST ILLEGAL DRUG” Started with smoking pot


and i still <3 you carl… we’ll continue to agree to disagree here, im certain

Thats because more people drink than smoke.

AMEN… point proven

I have zero disputes with that statement

Another point. To buy weed, you usually have to visit some sketchy dealer, who usually has other drugs, thus bringing you into contact with these other hard drugs.

If weed was legal, and you could buy it at a store (Amsterdam), you wouldn’t be put in contact with these hard drugs, very much reducing the gateway effect of weed…


bahhh. I really don’t want to get drawn into this thread, so I’m just going to make one comment. Nearly all of my friends drink on the more frequent end of the spectrum, and I’ve seen some very bright, driven, well educated individuals have their lives compromised to varying degrees because of booze. I also know a lot of people who smoke pot, and I’ve not seen anything nearly as bad happen because of its use.

If you decide to do anything at all, SELF CONTROL is the operative phrase.

As far as legality, I’m not going to touch it other than saying if anything, I think alcohol should be restricted more.

hhaha posting from a phone blows…

And yes, everyone has a different view on the subject. If I find myself near a computer I’ll type something more coherent out:…