Legalize it?

listen…its an opinion.

not everyone is going to agree on the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

like me…i say legalize it.

Whoops, guess you lost that bet too.

SIQQQ live on straight EDGE!!! yeah!

Sweet. I’d rather better myself by living without these things that poison our society, rather than lay on my floor eating chips because I just ripped a huge bowl.

Because we all don’t have the same opinion as you. I think alcohol is worse than marijuana. I’ve seen a lot worse things happen to people who were drunk than who were high.

Shut up Dawn.


p.s. I thought you like died…


pot does not land you in jail, not even a lot of pot.

maybe if you get arrested like 18 times for it, but at that point you are doing something wrong, and prolly belong there.

oh i was agreeing with you just added a little satire is all

fuckin LOL

you want to find out?

I smoke pot. And I GUARANTEE I am more productive/beneficial to society than you.

Anyone who is against pot and thinks alcohol is ok is just uneducated. If you abuse anything, legal or not, its never good.

FYI not one single person has ever died from smoking weed, and how many people die from alcohol poisoning?

And polluting out society is a crock of shit. When johnny meathead goes to the bar, gets drunk, and starts picking fights and breaking shit, that’s polluting our society. You will never see anyone high on weed do that

Its my opinion that most people who think weed is bad arent capable of thinking for themselves, they just go along with what they are told.

No offense, but the above statement shows you know very little about drugs and how these things work. To even COMPARE pot to heroin users is naive and misinformed.
Its on a whole other level… like comparing slapping someone to stabbing them with a knife.

Considering you work in a ER, I would have thought you had a better understanding of whats involved. Heroin is some nasty and dirty shit that induces a SERIOUS physical and psychological dependency. Weed is less addicting then smoking cigarettes.

To say that people that smoke weed likely do do Heroin is absolutely ridiculous. I addition most people that do coke are big drinkers and smoke very little weed if ANY at all. Weed and coke are also COMPLETELY different animals and produce highs that are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Basically a person that likes coke likes a different kind of high then weed provides. Upper vs downer

It is obtuse to say that if a person likes one kind of drug they do them all.

And drunk fucks that destroyed Chippewa by fighting, acting like scumbags, and driving drunk running over kids and shit dont poison society??

LOL. Come on. Im sure you drink and partake in these activities that cause more damage then all the drugs combined.

Great concept of bettering yourself.


Well done



I’ve smoked weed. And no way in fucking hell would I ever do any form of herion. Shit, I don’t even smoke cigarettes.

I don’t believe weed is a “gateway” drug.

When I said these, I meant alcohol and drugs.

So you are saying that you have zero vices and you do nothing. While I find that hard to believe, if its true then you have the right to say what you like.

There is A LOT of stupid going on in this thread. As much as I’d love to quote and counter point I’ll pass.

I’ll just give examples of my two biggest “pot head” friends. First there was J. He was the first of my close click of friends to smoke at 15. He continued to smoke regularly through out college. It took him 9 years to finish, with a PhD in medicine. Second there is M. This kid wouldn’t try it in H.S., but eventually tried it in college. Now he has a PhD in psychology. They both regularly smoke. In fact almost all of my close niche of friends in H.S. experimented with marijuana at some point in their life and continue to dabble, and all hold professional degrees now. So yeah, totally white trash.

For those of you that know “dumb ass stoners” I’m willing to bet they would be losers with or without pot. Anybody that blames a drug for their problems needs to take a good look in the mirror.

Sure I’d like to see it legal. I wouldn’t mind seeing beer and cigarette sales moved strictly to liquor stores either. Increased criminal penalties for highly addictive and destructive drugs such as methaphedamines, cocaine, and opiates. Shutting the “gate” on this so called “gateway”.

Whether it is marijuana, alcohol, cocaine, opiates, inhalants, hallucinogens self control comes from the environment that you are raised in. Something that American society is grossly lacking in.

Lastly look at the reasons that it was made illegal to begin with. Do you agree with them?

i usually enjoy drinking a shit load then smoking, it sobers ya up so ya can drink more ahhhh