Legalize it?

So, I don’t smoke, at all, I’m an alcoholic, not a stoner. Here’s why I say yes

-There’s a HUGE percentage of people in jail because of it. We’re paying for it. Jails are overcrowded because of it. We’re spending a LOT of $ to pay the police that enforce it.

-To make it illegal brings a stronger taboo to it, if everyone can use it, dealers/prices would plummet,less crime because of it.

As far as the tax thing,no, they cant tax it, too difficult, BUT, the businesses that can can populate as smoke houses or pipe shops will incur taxes, so there’s still more money to be made.

Use the same rules as alcohol. No smoking and driving, no smoking in public places, or being under the influence outside.

It seems the time and money spent trying to enforce the illlegalization and the marketing spent on “drugs are bad, m’kay” could be better used elsewhere.