Legalize it?

This thread rocks

lol… try again…

and you’re wrong about boosting anything… and 3.0 @ ecc… not impressed… but congrats at college…

Carry on being productive and what not… :rolljerk:

Fuck yea 2 collars at a time… all popped

Do you understand what an economy is, Generally exports help an economy. I can’t see a bunch of stoner fucks smoking up and being lazy and having the munchies doing absolutely nothing, making an economy better

btw you never disputed the ECC comment… LOL

Theres the future of the economy

Give me these two anyday.


I seriously wanted to just let this thread die, i feel there were some valid points made for the non-pot-heads… and I seriously thought it would just die…

thanks for making it alive again…

lol @ dan


Are you stupid?

My toothpaste has baking soda in it so I’ll just add it to my coke and smoke crack!

Or how about shooting a bag of dope since it comes from the same plant that puts the seeds on my bagel!!!


Please show me a study that proves no negative effects. If I smoke a bowl and drive it will impair me more than being drunk.

Even though I don’t smoke pot, I do think marijuana should be on the same level as alcohol.

I am not wrong about the economy. You can tax the shit out of it and manufacture it and sell it the same way cigarettes and produced and manufactured. It would be so cheap to manufacture it which makes alot of sense considering you can sell it at a extremely high price (see: cigarettes). Tax payers would save alot of money because of decriminalization. And how about the fact that maybe law enforcement can focus on locking up people like murderers and child molesters rather than spending the money to lock up someone for possession. And who says we can’t use the tax money from for things like school and maybe something called a universal healthcare system? But apparently that doesn’t help the economy.

So Marijuana is going to fund a federal health care system?

Dude… If i smoke this enough, I can get my kids healthcare wouldn’t that be cool man… man… snicker snicker god I think the stars are talkin… snicker I love you man snicker can I have some fritos I’m starving… snicker snicker

and while the government is at it, maybe they can get everyone addicted to heroin too!!

Dan owns this thread with .jpgs


EDIT… reread this thread and see why legalization and the government wont work…
blah blah blah

cuz the hippies have the good seeds. and if the govt made it legal and began selling it, theyd have a bunch of bullshit weed.

im gonna go smoke a fat blunt now woorddd


EXACTLY why it can’t be regulated.

These intensive horticultural techniques have led to fewer seeds being present in cannabis and a general increase in potency over the past 20 years. The average levels of THC in marijuana sold in United States rose from 3.5% in 1988 to 7% in 2003 and 8.5% in 2006.[40]

“Skunk” cannabis is a potent strain of cannabis, grown through selective breeding and usually hydroponics, that is a cross-breed of Cannabis sativa and C. indica. Skunk cannabis potency ranges usually from 6% to 15% and rarely as high as 20%. The average THC level in coffeehouses in the Netherlands is about 18–19%.[41]

I would bet my life on it that driving drunk is 100 x’s worse than driving high. Anyone thats ever done both can easily verify. You have no idea what its like and you try to chirp me but you dont know shit.

20 bucks says you high vs you sober vs you drunk… sober has the best reaction time, best reflexes, and coordination…

if you argue with that then you’re a tool.

This isnt a debate over why alcohol should be illegal… its SHOULD WEED BE LEGALIZED…

Pay Attention now!

to illustrate my point

and there are tons more where that came from…


TheKID is saying that he smokes regularly so he can drive ok when he’s high. But remember, not everyone is the same.

If you or most people take the pain meds and muscle relaxers I’m on, you’d probably kill yourself if you got in a got. Tolerance is a different story here.

The other day on Mythbusters there was an episode of driving drunk vs. driving talking on a cell phone, and it was actually safer to drive drunk (0.07-0.08).

LINK? Proof? i disagree with that…

LOL long read but good read :tup:

I voted NO, i think drugs are stupid and even if i wanted to i couldnt becuase my job doesnt allow it due to drug testing.

Willybean :clap: your the man, very good arguement

ICLisDEAD also good points and you are hilarious, definately a fan of reading your sarcasm :rofl:

to all the potheads, :burnin: have fun and goodluck

The cellphone tests were failed by a much bigger margin, though Adam’s observation was that you can put down a cellphone – you can’t get instantly undrunk. Also, they tested the drunk driving below the California legal limit – Adam, at least, has gotten much drunker for MythBuster tests than that.