Legalizing drugs

this is all from a rational point of view i don’t smoke myself. i did at one point a long time ago and really don’t see a point to it looking back on it but having said that.

i guess psychologically it would take some of the edge off of it. though making it more easily accessible would probably cause a push for harder drugs as dealers are going to need to find something else to sell.

BUT it would be a good way to side step all the little guys and make it easier to target the heavy hitters that deal in more serious drugs. I dont think pot heads are that criminally active because of pot but coke heads and heroine adicts on the other hand…

though there maybe a slight rise in pot smokers behind closed doors as im sure it would follow the same smoking laws as cigarettes the amount of money we’d save busting these guys and allocating that to more serious ventures might be worth it.