Let me know what you think of my before and after s2k shots

This was before



This is after






But its not done yet

Gratuitous ass shot :wow

not my thing… looks like they stick out too much.

yeah, the wheel’s offsets look wrong, and is it just me or do the front tires look too wide for the wheel?

i hope you dont plan on lowering it or be prepared to roll the hell out of the fenders AND have some crazy negative camber AND still rub like a motherfucker…

ehh the back shot looks sweet but the wheels not so much

lol no rolling of fender and not lowering cause lowering is for people that dont have bikes!

Maybe it’s because I saw it in person, but I love how it sits.

and the front tires aren’t to wide for the front if you actually saw the car the front tires are actually the perfect fit and the rears are tens not going for the “cookie” cutter car like everyone else sorry not a follower

hey, don’t put ill-fitting wheels on your car then post pics on a forum and ask for thoughts then get mad when people aren’t hanging all over your cock.

if you like it than thats all that matters.

I love this guy :lmao :hug

No, i meant that i thought the tires were say, a 255 on an 8" rim…i run that but PS2’s are narrow for their sizes, whereas 615’s actually run a bit wide for their rated sizes…they just look a little chunky…

doesnt look bad, looks funky, i like.

lol i dont get offended its just funny thats all to see what others think keep it coming just wait until it sees the honda show

I think we briefly talked on S2ki http://www.acurazine.com/forums/images/smilies/wave.gif

I think you should’ve gone with a little more of an offset in the rear so they fit flush.

Hella flush approved? look em up. Theyd love that offset :nod

looks much much better

what wheels are those? the rear looks good from behind. :mwahaha

Not exactly a fan either. Wheels and tires look too wide.

looks like shit IMO. im not going to lie. the offset doesnt look right at all. if you hit a decent enough bump and there is some spring movement, say bye bye rear fender. wheels dont flow with the car either, but hey, i only drive a civic so what do i know.