Let the hazing begin... I bought a Honda.

I was at work when you posted it… this was a few days after when we were there and he mentioned you living upstairs… It was about to escalate real quickly, haha.

Very true, its funny I’ve owned many VWs and I bought my second honda last summer (the first was short lived but still the most fun car ive had) and I have to say I have no intention of ever going back. I couldn’t be happier with my accord. Dare I say hawnduh fanboi??:ahh

Sounds like a BigRedRubjob is in order…:number1

Absolutely, if I would trust anyone with a car I care about it would be you. I know you at least own/d quite a few worth taking proper care of. :wink:

Well when i’m back in town after next month shoot me a text and we can set something up. It’ll really help the paint to take care of it right from the start.

Sounds good. PM me your # - it’s been a while and a few phones and I’m not sure I have it anymore.

Still no pix of Tittays so I’m still saying who cares !!!

In the 5 years of my membership on this forum… have you once ever seen a titty picture from me? No.

Ain’t shit changed, yo.

Nice car,I have an old one.

I have it on good authority that Nicole does in fact not even possess tits.

Why you sonouva…


How do you like it? I’ve been polling current Si owners like crazy, haha.


Bake me a pie…

Benny, Cossey and a few other members @ WGI have gotten cookies over the years, never did a pie though.

Wait, Benny… are you seeing a theme in where this thread just went? :rofl

Congrats on going to Honda. I did a weird leap myself and got a vw on Friday. :expressionless:


What did you have before? I can’t remember for the life of me. And what VW? lol

Too many Hondas/acuras and subarus. Last one was a tsx I traded for my 09 tdi wagon

The Subaru was the one I thought I remember you having… What made you go the other way?