Hey guys, we are having some autocrosses this year in lethbridge. Price is very cheap, and it should be a great time.
Autocross drivers must be there by 8:30 AM for registration and tech, and racing will start at 11 and run all day.
The drift event is still pending, we need to find some sponsors for it. It will actually be on September 16th if it does happen.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, chris.

Very nice!!
what type of timing equipment are you guys using?
Its an actual timing set up with computers and lasers that you trip.
Just so everyone knows, we’ve had to up the price to 20 dollars, still very affordable for a day of racing. If you’ve got a car, 10 bucks is the least of your worries, lol.
what time does it start and is there a fee to come and watch??
Racing starts at 11. There isnt a fee for spectators. The driver fee has actually been upped to 20 bucks instead of 10, either way its still cheap, it just helps the club out with the extra 10 bucks cause then we dont lose money.
when is the latest I can pay? 
quick question. What type of insurance needed ( I heard you need 2 mil liability for drifiting), and are helmets needed?
At the event is when you pay, bring your own helmet, and all you need to do is pass a basic safety inspection (all insurance is void while racing anyway).
June 3rd is my g/fs b-day i should take her out drifting for her b-day… im sure she would love me for it… haha :rolleyes:
Except June 3rd is an autocross event, the drift event is still TBA.
Except June 3rd is an autocross event, the drift event is still TBA.[/quote]
That doesnt mean you cant do a little playing around… :lol:
PM me with some details with what you are looking for,and I can probably give you some help with sponsorship.
Well guys, the first autocross was a big success, hopefully everyone had fun, and we should see some more cars out for next one hopefully. Thanks, Chris.
It’s not such a bad idea.
Is there still a drift event in Lethbridge this August?