Letitrip>2nd gen

As twizted and I rolled back into the parking lot after beck and I ran, and before I could shut my car off I heard “go run that kid that just left hear in a 2nd gen camaro”. I cought up to him a few miles down the road and asked him for a run, he said " yah but im only going from a street light" I said ok and the first light we came to by the time we stoped the light had turned green, so the kid said 1.2.3 go and took off. I pulled him through 3 gears till I shut down at about 100. Then I noticed that he was still in it. By that time he was at my door and giveing twizted the see ya later wave, so I got back in it, and started pulling on him again so twizted gave him the wave back. He fliped us the bird as we pulled away.

ohh sounds like it would have been a funny vid…good kill :tup:

priceless look on his face as he thought he was going to smoke pass us until you got back on the gas and we started pulling him… so i had to wve back…yep that kid got pissed and flipped us off.

came to mighty after…i think his name was joe dirt gotti

good kill man :D, a vid would have been awesome

lol funny :tup: car sounds like its running strong! next year i wanna run :wink:

:tup: Everything on the kill stories starts with LETITRIP >

I know, The kid said 1-2-3 go so fast that twizted never had time to get the camera ready

:tup: nice kill

learn some fuggin grammar bitch!
