~MY~ 1st kill of '08

I was cruising down some highway coming from the Blvd. area kind of upset I didnt see anyone out, when out of no where I see a pair of headlights coming up quick. I looked down at the speedometer right away assuming I was going over the limit…I was only going 5over. Then, at 2nd glance I make out that its a 94-96 (I dont remember exact year start/finish) Camaro. He proceeds to go by me in the next lane over. He was cruising at a good 10-20mph over the limit, and when he got ahead I figured, “eh, why not…no one around.”
I hit the gas, the car jumps out of OD and into 3rd, and catch back up to him. now we’re both going well over the limit and I could tell he had no thought of slowing down so I just let him go. I;m not ging to chase someone at 80+ just to do some runs.
BUT, at one point the was no one at all on the road and I felt frisky. I punch it again and within 30sec. I gained back up to be next to him…he punched it right away but, before I went wot I noticed it was two younger guys = they would be in the mood to play tonight. I pull a few cars on this green camaro and I let off. I guess he had the need, the need for speed because he once again, went flying by.
FINALLY, we get a light! He sits there and with the brake on…was either trying to get the tire(s) to break loose or was just trying to intimidate me. The pass. in his car thought it was funy none the less.
Light goes green, he gives it all its got, I eeeaase into the throttle and notice that hes not pulling away, even with me easing to WOT. I get to WOT and pull a few buses and let off…surprize…he catches up and flys by. Uh oh, he catches another light.
As I roll up I tried to see if there was a “Z28” badge in the rear or sides…didnt see one. So, at this point I felt bad. (even though I only have a V6 aaaand Im FWD) But, none the less I figured, “why not drive the point home.” Light goes green, I go 3/4 throttle right away, and smoke my useless Nittos and pull away from him at the same time. I pull a 1/8mi. before I let off and of coarse…I get the fly by.
In the end…I beat him 3 times and got 3 flybys with no :tup: no nothing. I think it was a 3.4 or 3800 Camaro by the lack of badges and how bad I pulled on him.
The car was a dark green '94-'97 Camaro, with 2 guys looking like in there early 20s rockin it.
Does this sound like anyone on here? We ended up in Lockport, when they turned into that big trailor park thats on S.Transit.

sounds like some good ‘ol boys never meanin’ no harm in their 6 cylinder chevy bein all BAMF-like


t-up =)

LOL, cobaltblah would believe this because he “respects” ~my~ car…or whatever he said…trying to cover his tracks from his last response. lol…

Oh and thanks for the :tup:…it was fun.

Good :tup: Ill come down one of these days when its a little bit warmer for ya :slight_smile:

^^^What is that supposed to mean? Is there a deeper meaning or are you just saying you want to have a “fun run”? Lemmie know if you’re running those slicks too.