
So, Im cruising down a suburban highway when I catch up with a Chevelle SS (red with black racing stripes) with the license plate, “IBQUIK”. He turns the same way as I do, and gets on it going around the corner chirping rubber. I think to myself, “self, we got a player”
I check for traffic and make my turn and notice he’s waay ahead (must have stayed into it) There was a stop sign ahead, and a few cars ahead of him taking turns…turning. So, I catch up without having to drive like an ass. He ~had~ his right turn signal on and I thought, “well, this ones over” but, then decides to go straight. He begins to accel. slow to normal, then when I get through the stop and get behind him he mashes the gas (I know this because that old car spewed smoke that smelt like a cross between moth balls, 30yo oil, and raw fuel.:rofl: He pulled ever so slow, I gas it and pull up to his rear. Realizing he either let off or thats all he had, I didnt bother passing him.
He soon turns right off of the road onto another road. I give him some of the Eaton scream as I pass. Wouldnt you know it, the old 65+ muther funker reaches his arm out the window reaching for the heavens and gives me the finger?!?!
I guess rack that up for another ol timer that thinks that 30yo muscle is still ~king of the streets~ :cjerk:

haha i love moments like those…

That’s brutal

i hate peple like that. but good run for that few seconds lol

yea some guy in a 300M tried doing that to me tonight…but he had bling wheels and i dont :frowning: I think i’ll cry now

showed him how 3rd spools lol

i got the finger…rofl

i just don’t get it when people don’t understand that there are faster cars out there than them

If the tables were turned (which seldom happens sense my car looks plane on the outside) and for some reason couldnt go straight HAD to turn, and the guy rev’d by me, I would have at least nodded, not a middle finger, Im well aware that there are fast cars out there, ALOT of them are posers in Hondas, fords, chevys,and even grand prixs. :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate when these older guys cant get used to the fact that there ARE fast cars that arent Chevelle’s, Camaros, GTO’s ect. If I would have done the same in my ol '64 LemMans/GTO…he would have played and probably talked afterwards.

Happens to me a lot too. I was cruising back from the Akron show yesterday w/ my wife, driving just over the speed limit of 55 & this Mustang GT is on my ass. I see him drop back and speed up so he can pass me, He passes and revs (standard tranny) as he pulls past me. I really didnt care that he passed me but the rev thing pissed me off. I look to my wife & she just smiled. I open it up & get on his ass, he tried running but I stuck to him like flys on shit, All he could hear was my turbo farting cuz I was only at 2/3 throttle! He turned off & flipped me the one finger salute!

Great… kill?

hey if u see a bright red Buick GS vert around, race it.


Ken knows the car :slight_smile:


hey if u see a bright red Buick GS vert around, race it.


Ken knows the car :slight_smile:


Oh yeah!

Ken are you coming to the track rental next sunday?

I love the kids with 400 pounds of bodykit on the cavaliers and giant aluminum wings with a corersponding fart can that cant seem to grasp that they are still slow, and flip me the bird when my fucking Lesabre beats them.

So this dick head in a fucking grand prix was chasing me and riding my ass for no reason. I finally got him off my tail and made sure to let him know what I thought of his driving.
Nope, never rode his ass. He was driving in a “frisky” manner indicating to me that he would like to play. He didnt, I stayed back, he turned and flipped me off.

Dont bother putting IBQUIK on your car if you cant stand people wanting to play around with you…and esp. when your car isnt “quik”


Ken are you coming to the track rental next sunday?


Maybe to watch, I wonder why it’s $65.00 when we were just there and racing 2 lanes @ a time, for $35.00. I think they are taking advantage of us.

theres another group coming also i guess, not sure who but were splitting it i think.


Great… kill?


That’s what I read too.

I never mentioned that there was a kill. Or is that the point you two are making? I figured since the story has the make up of a race, but it never came to be, I got flipped off. I figure it was worthy of this section rather than off topic or general. It’ll be ok. :wink:


I never mentioned that there was a kill. )


Then why is it in…Kill…Stories? :gotme:

There’s 2-3 stories that have as much to do with a actual kill as mine does. I dont see it as such a big deal. I dont think it ruined anyone’s day. Its done, it was posted. If you dont like it I will apologize for upseting you for posting a story in the wrong forum. For cripes sakes how lame. Delete it if it bothers you. Thats how much it concerns me.