
Good run Fellas:tup:

Cavy Moves!

Choko…could I see that cavy in person? One of my many projects Id like to do is a turbo’ed EcoTec cavy. Just to do a few runs and sell it.

Awsome runs btw.

aaand whats "LetITRip got?? modded??

i dont think chokos home yet the race just happened like 5-min ago lol…im fast like whoa.

LetItRip has a lt1 maro

LetItRips’s car is a little faster than a 03 Cobra isnt it?

my cavy would have spanked choko’s hands down!!

Good runs!

That Cavy mooooves

LetItRip and I still have to get a run in. Still have my rain check from last year, lol

cavy hangs pretty good :tspry: but no match for the mighty el tea

nice clean run no drama lol!

9 psi blah :tdown: bring back the 22psi!!!

LetItRip on or off the bottle in that race?

Should have raced him with that truck


LetItRip on or off the bottle in that race?


My car is N/A
crazylt1 I know you’ve been itchen, but dont worry one of thies days we will get it done.


My car is N/A


So is mine when i dont have the nitrous armed :bloated:

Trying to be :snky: = :tdown:

The cavy only had 9psi in that run??

low boost untuned owns me, it was just a fun run, we can run on track boost/tune/dig/radials :lol:

edit. we can re run sat. for another fun run. i didnt like the way i was driving/shifting/off rev limit. ill still be on same boost etc. we can also do a dig. street tires vs street tires!

[quote=“Horse Jaw,post:5,topic:29093"”]

my cavy would have spanked choko’s hands down!!


get back to eating your hay…

dammit choko’s cars make me jealous even though most of them ar j-bodies lol


get back to eating your hay…



hey choko ill give u a ring tonight to see if we can get some runs in before he goes to bed.

When/where u guys meeting…I may want to join the action :slight_smile: