Lets fix the gasoline problem: With gasoline.

Bugs that excrete light sweet crude, FTW.


The genetically manipulated E. coli before me are highly crafted units of industrial production, which Amyris is using to turn sugar into novel versions of gasoline, jet fuel and diesel—in other words, the fuels on which the world already runs.

How about we see the government invest $15,667,174,740 into technology such as this?

…and we wouldn’t evenhave to spend Trillions on revamping our national infrastructure…


Power your Beetle with “bugs.” Novel :tup:

e. coli? Some day telling someone their car runs like shit will be a compliment?

Haven’t bacterium always produced gas?


Read the article.

Lab generated bugs that are hardy enough to sustain themselves in an awefully unfriendly environment… all the while eating sugarcane byproduct and turning it into designer hydrocarbon chains.

They work.

They need to be made hardier & more reliable.

Then they need to be test on large scale.

A whole hell of alot more mainstream friendly then corn juice, and it has less of a net carbon effect on the world compared to corn juice, and current gasoline production.

something tells me this is the way the world will end.

Dude. : Tinfoilhat :?

But yeah, genetically engineered gasoline producing bacteria will probably turn us all into light fearing zombies.

i have a bunch of E. coli :gotme: lots of it

start dumping sugar into it.

:lol: Do you hear that? It’s the sound of your property value doubling every half an hour.

brings a whole new meaning to black gold…


lol I’m starting me a shit farm!

Oh this could go on for hours… and still not be very funny…

Offtopic… in offtopic?


But yea, how about them bugs?

Looks like it’s gonna be a good year for em…

Cool idea, but if we’re spending billions can we get some money for this:

There’s a technology that really has a chance to change the way we produce energy. Imagine every house in the US having a solar panel roof.

no cow just horse

Then Buffalo would be in the dark when it snowed.

While that would be a fantastic change, and suplpement in an environmental sense…

I think what I posted would be much more important to the national economic forces.

IOW: The gas bug would enable the US to be more financially independant, and that can trickle down to other facets, such as allowing for the expansion of your post.