lets get some video footage this weekend

who wants to meet up one of these weekend nights and get alot of good video footage??

suppose to rain.

Ive got a camera and the ability to do some amateur editing so if someone wants to cart me around I can film.

non sense!!

if I am riding solo I dont mind/

possibly, weather permitting

If i can get the car ready and actually drive, Im in. Dont keep your fingers crossed though lol. I cant wait to get back out!

car aint ready yet hopefully this weekend or next

if distrib. comes in i may be down for a lil fun.

Sounds good, lemme know.

i’d be down… my car is slow only 13.6 i would get killed by most of you.

Not this weekend. Maybe another weekend though.

post #2 u asshats!

well it never hurts to make the plans and have them just incase the rain holds off. Rather than just assume it will rain then have it hold off and have no plans made. If that makes sense.

It actually may stay dry most of tomorrow throughout the night and not start raining till sat morning around 4 or 5 am. Just throwin that out there.