how do rabbits get greasy :lol
Now what was the benefit of making PR a part of the US? Less hassle to get baseball players into the country?
If theyre PR they just come out that way
Yeah there’s no need to provoke them.
This is why I wish NY CCW laws were a little more 'laxed (sp?), so people who can handle carrying guns, could, safely, to protect themselves primarily and others if necessary. :nod
I dont really think more people with guns is the answer though.
damn thats pretty fucking intense
less people
bigger guns
thats cuba dope ;D
ive got a few
we READ I should be taking advantage of this influx of puerto-rican-poppies… i bet i could sell em the hopper!
true but they dont need anything else as a attention getting device
I dont think so… NONE of them could come up with the money. And if they do, its all dirty and will get tracked to you and you will be out the car and the money…
yea but it couldn’t hurt… then at least you’d have something entertaining to watch… nothing better than watching shit break! well, short of breaking it yourself, but that gets expensive quick!
bro, ALL money is dirty.
If you’ve ever slept in a Hotel in Souther Florida, chances are you both:
Have utilized drug money
Would have been currently utilizing drug money
I mean drug money or bank robbery money… Something stupid like that… you know their minimum wage jobs cannot pay for that (for those that have jobs)
dude welfare went up shit how do ya think thoughs in the ghetto roll in beamers and shit yo
sorry my e/bonics is weak…ill leave it up to you benny ya gangsta ass beeotch
best quote evarrrrrrrr ;D :crackup