Let's play guess who's car this is........


Now who’s could this be…



http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/tn_victorsmalls.jpg its victorsmall’s

try making a different filename next time you upload :rofl:

It wasn’t menat to be a hard question jeff, but appearently u have been practicing ur ready skillz…keep up the good work…u’ll get ur GED soon enough:kekegay:

Well the car is scrap metal as of now…


my ready skills?

the day your spelling skills improve is the day my reading skills improve.
your getting better tho, so keep up YOUR good work :bigthumb:

His old Probe?

i was at the junkyard today and saw it,i was like o hell no…but i saw the PS sticker n laughed my ass off,i had to take pics. It is at a secret yard in the mon…shhhhhhhh!:kekegay:

Don’t give up that location :slight_smile: The floor was rotten and the thing was a lost cause. I can only imagine that Tito gave up the hidden yard to ya.

I have to say that I miss her, alot of good times in that car.

Thanks for pooring salt into the wound Devin :rant:

LOL how did my name get involved in this?

Tito didn’t mention anything at all to me about it. I had him tow my car when i blew the motor on the way to tito’s house b4 we went to camp. I knew it about it from tom:bigok: I just so happened to run into ur car there man and was surprised!

Should have never let it go

it took you how long to realize this :ugh:


LOL devin called me from there the other day and said he had a lot of cars up there like 200 or soo. I had to laugh cuz he use to over about 2,000 before he had them all crushed. im surprised urs is still there

I remember it taking all day to walk through that yard. Maybe he thinks I will be back for it someday :dunno:

No wheels on it and shit all through the int,i was going to tke ur CD book with flames on it n send it to u but i didn’t…lmao

damn i think i might go steal that shit for myself lol