Lexus LFA: The most pretentious car on the planet. . .

I found this article quite hilarious. Clearly this writer is a Nissan fan! Pass it along, it’s not a bad read…

Enjoy! I did… tons of pics/vids too.

This is the new – all carbon fibre – Lexus LFA. It’s got issues. A lot of issues. It tries so hard to impress that it falls flat on its pretentious face. Toyota (parent company of Lexus), realized that they could never come close to the insanity that is the Nissan GTR (or any other super car for that matter), so they ignored the elephant in the room and simply said “it’s a bargain compared to the Ferrari Enzo and Mercedes SLR-McLaren. ” 2012 – Lexus LFA price, specs, videos, super car comparison and more inside…

4 times the price for less performance… a fraction of a second faster in the 1/4 mile and will definitely be much slower around a track.

total garbage

I want the rims.

i’d like to see R35 GTR rims on an a dumped S14 cambered out

I lost an ebay auction on a set of them a couple weeks ago.

still recovering from the loss.

pretentious, yes.

but god DAMN does it ever sound good.

doesnt it say in the video that Yamaha’s sound division tuned the note?

You can buy two F458 Italia’s for that price. The F458 is being tagged by Ferrari as a car superior to the Enzo.


-Leases For Assholes
-Lame Financing Available
-Looks Fucking Ass

Lexus LFA: if you have more money than sense, we have a car for you! Ass rape lease-to-own financing available, please check your brain at the door when inquiring about a purchase. Advertised rates subject to change without notice. See your nearest Lexus certified ass rape howdy house for details

Lovingly EXpelling UtterShit

LOL… not many people will buy it and than they will stop making it.

I call the the LFA the LFAil… :slight_smile:

i think the lfa looks better than the gtr… it just needs better wheel offset and some streched tires. the car is so wide those tires look like they belong on a bicycle!

bing, you should have posted top gears take on the lfa! much more entertaining…


top gear vid was completely ruined by all those cheesy-ass gay graphics.

i had to stop watching because they were pissing me off so much.

400,000 $ for a toyota lfa ? that does look like f*** ass, Id rather put a reserve on this thing for less money too. p.s it comes with a 3.2 twin turbo. 6 gear


now we’re talkin’!

10 years in the making and it looks like it was made from all the rejected parts by every other auto maker…

“Is it 6x faster than the GTR?”
“Then why is it 6x the price?”


The only thing I like is the noise it makes…

the price tag, the yamahaaaa tuned sound, truely Lexus L-ooking F-or A-ttention

wonder if they tested it on the ring yet

Cant picture it doing to well on the ring.

Ho ho ho! We are forgetting about the gaudy interior that looks like it was designed by a tasteless Cadillac owner. Perhaps a “hyper” limited edition trim should be released: the Urban trim. Equipped with a spinnerz button that causes your needle to spin out of control so you “think” you are going faster than a GTR. That is the point of having an electrical gauge cluster right?

The Japanese,(and other dignified Asians) can be notorious for this shit. I remember when Ken Kutaragi of Sony failed to acknowledge that the square button didn’t line up correctly on it’s contact patch. Can said something along the lines of: “It’s like a malaligned gate on a multi-million dolla estate. It can be a work of srt. Do you criticisize the work of art? No, because it is a work of art.” some really pompous pretentious garbage like that. Same story.

Pompous shochu swilling Japanese salary man: "Sure the LFA is not faster than the GTR. It’s a master piece like the Mona Lisa, or Michalangelo’s Statue of David. It’s a timeless, generational masterpiece that will transcend age, and lead Lexus into the future. For such a historic masterpiece, the MSRP is too small. You should really be paying more for history, it is that marvellous. "

It’s priced like a hyper exclusive swiss watch… feature for feature you can get something 1/10th of the price. you’re paying for exclusivity

but how exclusive will it be? i didn’t hear anything about production numbers yet.

i mean obviously it won’t be mass-produced but still…as Hammond says, “well all is said and done, it’s still a Lexus”