LF a place that will wash parts in GTA

i have a cylinder head i will be shipping on a plane need to have all oil removed before it can travel. if anyone knows of any place in the GTA shoot me a name or a phone#. thx


buy some heavy duty degreaser from canadian tire and wash it in your shower?

errr shower? … wash it in ur backyard or something lol but definitely doable urself…

shower eh, umm, ahh, no. probably use some degreaser or brake cleaner and get it done my self. some one quoted me 45 bones to do it. im cheap.

thx for the tips, especialy the shower haha.


two cans of gunk degreaser, toothbrush, chop sticks…

take it to any engine rebuilder, they clean out the heads as a part of the regular rebuild… or at least they should be.