LG VX8500 (Chocolate)

Other than the less than hetero sounding name, whats the deal with this phone. I kinda like it.

Sadly the VZW website doesn’t tell me much. I see that the object transfer feature is disabled. t-down

evolve I imagine you will have some more info.

Bah… not feeling it…

yeah im ify about it. especially for the price


I thought about it. I want a flip phone

I want to hear if anyone has tried it.

i love it…wanna get one

its cool if you want the latest gadget. its small and opens smoothly. nice screen, the sensitivity on the buttons is good, no pushing required. sound quality is good… no speakerphone though. def geared more for music, plays mp3s and wma natively, plus i believe it can turn mp3s into ringtones directly without any 3rd party support. theyll be in stores sunday…

Toda got one. He posted something on the Barf about it. Ask him.

sadly i know about as much as you about this phone, have yet to get one in store

stereo bluetooth :tup:

i dunno im pretty pumped about it

slvr ever going to come to verizon?

a CDMA SLVR was released to the FCC…i imagine it is destined for VZW, as they have a much better relationship with moto than sprint

sweet, seems like a cool phone, wouldnt mind trying that one out… you will probably talk me out of it, as you did the rzr… guessing it will break easy too


prolly. some phones just cant take abuse

I just read a review of the Chocolate…


Summary: ipod-like wheel that is either too sensitive or not sensitive enough, and you can’t push the wheel like the ipod. Only comes with 64MB of memory unless you buy the $100 1GB memory card, which has to load every song every time you turn the phone on (ie, a lot longer wait time). Has a built in speaker, so you don’t need headphones. The “end” button used to end calls/turn off the phone/etc is a small button on the side of the phone. The reviewer had a lot of problems playing mp3s or viewing pictures that he loaded onto it. Only a small percentage of them actually worked properly. It seems more geared towards buying and downloading from VZW.

Of course. Thats what VZW does. Thats why they disable the object exchange feature. That really bugs me.

I have an iPod for my music. Having a MP3 phone somewhat doesn’t make sense to me. The battery will drain way quicker than if you were using it for a phone and maybe some web surfing, etc.

My PPC-6700 can stream music, video, etc. But if on the battery, I can watch the battery bar drain…

My .02

I don’t care about the MP3 really. I like the look of the phone and the bluetooth headset that it comes with. In the event I want to listen to music on it (say on a business trip) then great.

honestly most people will never even use this feature. im not defending VZW at all for it, i personally think its stupid (and again, i have the ONLY phone on VZW with uncrippled bluetooth stock - nokia 6256i). but in the big picture, a lot of people will find VZW’s services easier than OPP.

now, once it comes out, give it a little bit and it will be hacked. it happens to every phone. not that big of a deal.

not true anymore since the enxtel sprint merger. motorola has been and will be the only manufacturer for nextel phones for a long time. so the contract is now extended over to sprint, and looking at some of the new phones that are coming out for sprint from motorola i wouldn’t be surprised to see a sprint slvr and sldr