MP3 phone: Chocolate....

Anyone using this phone? Good, bad otherwise? Any deals out there? My wife has been enamored by it so I thought I’d go get her one and suprise her with it as long as the feedback is good. Amazon has them for $75 but there’s a few strings attached that I don’t care for, new service plan etc…

my buddy has one, he seems to like it. I have played around with it for a little bit. the only thing that bugged me was the touch screen, it is a little hard to use at first

FOr the bundle package, it seems to be a good price. But alittle too much into the phone IMO.

Jay from Hybrid has one, I was playing with it at import night since noone was racing! Seems like a cool phone, if you are a major txt messanger I think it would not be good as the keypad seems crammed.

keypad small, touchscreen is something i’ll still trying to get used to.

i have it, its awesome

Alright, I’ve go the damned thing and couldn’t even figure out how to turn the thing on without checking the manual. Cool lookin’ phone, hope she actually uses it to it’s potential. Though it does’t really matter. She wanted it, now she’s got it.

It’s junk depending on what u want it for, the camera has NO flash,the battery ony lasts about 6 hours of use, recalled already, video quiaity is not all it’s cracked up to be, get’s dirty real quik and scratches easy on outside,keypad small,no ITAP,doesn,t recognize the.(period) so u have to manually put in a capital when texting, can,t dl mp3’s by USB,on and on and on…i researched this becasuei was going to get one but i think i will try to get a razor V3i instead…better quality and not as many problems…do a search on GOOGLE and u will see what all the rap is about nad not about


What’s up with “can’t download mp3s via USB”? How else do ya do it? <showing my lack of tech skills

And ultimately, while I paid for all that ish that it may or may not do well, the fact that my wife is happy with it mean it’s already done it’s job. I’m the hero of the house this week

I think that is a verizon specific “feature”. Meaning they want you to pay for v-cast, so they turn off the usb transfer feature on all their phones. There is a way to hack the firmware and re-enable usb transfer, and my dad was able to do it on his razr, but you do run the risk of rendering the phone inopperable.

Howard Forums. You might find something to unlock the mp3 functions there. You’re on your own with the bitpim or anything else they have there as far as I’m concerned…as 1st v-dub said, you might turn that phone into a $75 paperweight.

+you want a flash, get a real camera
+battery lasts roughy a day and a half depending on use
+every phone gets smudges from peoples oily faces, just give it a huff of warm air and wipe it with a cotton T, preferably a WHITE-T that goes down to your knees
+try using Bluetooth to transfer MP3’s kthx
+go and get the piece of shit Razor, the battery life is 10x worse

i give mine a 9/10

WOW…he really must LOVE his phone. Devin you hurt his phones feelings…tell him your sorry.

**personally I like the phone…the key pad would be the issue I think **

Um…don’t get al pissed at me for me telling u my opinion faggot and what i have seen and read,and FYI the newer version of razors are far better than waht ur thinking of:moon: ,i just said if i had to choose it would prob be that instead of thechocolate bar peice of shit thingy. U sya the battery lasts?..have u used the MP3 player long enough yet?..didn;t think so,alot of people buy it for that reason and what do u get…junk! With the MP3 player playing u roughly only get about 6 hours of battery time jackass,so if ur out camping or anywhere and want music and bought this 500 dollar POS for that reason then u will be kicking urself in the ass when the battery dies in the middle of nowhere and u can,'t calls or listen to music or takes pics of ur Boyfriends ass.Flash u say…real camera?..obviously these are the stand out things that the chocolate are made for,MP3 player,video and camera…so u say buy a 'real" camera? Tel me y u got this thing then if ur not woried about all these things…i think it is becasue u jumoed on the gay ass bandwagon and juat wan t to be like…'Hey look at me guys! I got the new LG 8500 Chocolate phone and u don,t!"…:ugh2: Aanyhow,i hope u got a warrenty with it so when it fails u can take it back and hopefully get a real phone without all the hype and BS on it that isn,t worth shit wo a battery:bowrofl:

E815 or V3i or x>“Chocolate”

im not even going to attempt to decipher that garbled mess

i hope your keyboard punches you in the face the next time you attempt to use it


:rolleyes: Lame…nothing to say but that:zzz: Appearently u know i am right becasue the bandwagon thing is y u bought it huh…next time do urself a favor and research,LG had already recalled alot of them man,just letting u know and u got all pissy at me so… it’s a good phone non the less but it’s lame as fuck that u pay for allllllllll those abilitys to have and yet none are to their fullest…all half assed,i just don,t’ understand y they did that,look at the older versions that were introduced in the UK and china and so fourth,all of those had alooooooooot of problems and the ythought they fixxed them b4 they came in to the US and here we are…still alot of probs left…great concept…still not perfected and BS. Smae with the razors…if u noticed their are 6 versions as of now and all are better than the last with more options.

I didnt pay for all those abilities, I paid for a phone and a way to text message.

I have an mp3 player, I have a digital camera, my previous phone broke and my plan was up. So, instead of jumping on the Razor bandwagon (one that is more prevalent and one that you are sack riding like a seasoned vet), I opted for the Chocolate. Also, if you haven’t noticed Verizon’s phone selection is the poorest out of all major providers.

So remember what the Chocolate actually is. It’s a cell phone. A cell phone with some bells and whistles.

Have fun holding down the ‘.’ key while attempting to type a response at a third grade level. Can’t wait to read it!


I still like my “Q” more

ya um…ur not funny at all:greddy2: Any how…i ma not doing a so called sack riding of the razor. I am simply stating that verizon has four phones with the options ur shitbox has…razor,chocolate,E815(mine) and one of those PDA phones. Aand um…ur the one who came into this thread being childish and like ur in 3rd grade so do urself a favor…get the fuck out of her corcky. sad…kids these days…

If u would likew to start this nonsense the ntake it to e-fighting…i will be waiting to tear u a new asshole…kthanxbye