licence plate ideas..

i’m lookin for ideas to have a licence plate be able to be raised and lowered electroniclly. my friend use to make sumthin work out of an electric screwdriver and sold lots of them for ppl on bikes and unforunatly he isn’t with us anymore but i have no idea how he made it work. any ideas would be greatly appreciated. thx

i think u can buy those kits for bikes, not sure though. Maybe see wat they come with and see if u could modify it to work. ud need a servo and a switch., and somthing to make a frame too.

I swear someone on here has rigged something like this :E :E

i mean i’ve seen a few hot rods around edmonton with them. as they went into parking lots they would flip up

the ones they sell for bikes (vfx kits) are not motorized, mine was just manual flip and still very fun, but seeing how you can’t reach your plate in a car… some guys at timmy’s had a spring loaded flip attached to his kit. he just pulled a lever and it went up or showed

the ones they sell for bikes (vfx kits) are not motorized, mine was just manual flip and still very fun, but seeing how you can’t reach your plate in a car… some guys at timmy’s had a spring loaded flip attached to his kit. he just pulled a lever and it went up or showed[/quote]

ya but i need one that is motorized. i wish i knew how my friend made those motorized ones for bikes...

On my car I just modded my plate holder a bit so all I do now is pull out a bolt and I can flip it up. Only problem is I have to get in and out of the car to do it.

dont give yourself to much credit…anyone with a jdm car can do that…

hahaha “modded” my jdm plate holder…

you mean, you lifted it up with your finger…

why do all this work. Spend the $200 and get a plate with 0ooo00o0 people wont remember that or even 1l1l1ll1 than it looks like a bar code.
is this what you were looking for?

run a string from the front of the car to the back and attach it to the bottom of the plate over the top and pull it up when you want it and tie it to the e-brake handle :stuck_out_tongue:

ghetto genius

240 headlight pop up motor… less getto though, so no n-e-c-c points.

use a stepper motor from an old printer…

autoloc also makes a kit for this.

i like that idea.

Done and done

Pimp, Straight Up Pimp… :prayer:

no credit given, pro drifters do that, u sneaky scott!!!

so does anyone have a pop up headlight motor 4 sale? lol