License plate ideas

sp71supra what kinda job do you have to have such nice toys?

check his location.

Looks like I’m in the wrong field.

An example of why you shouldnt get a Vanity Plate.

I think some people on this website are a little to top heavy. Ok, a supra is a nice car, and so is the other 7 you have. But get over yourself. I am 21 and i finally got a car worth having. I had to pay for everything i had since i was 15 years old. And you, slow civic and the other prick are gonna sit there and make fun, because i want a different license plate. Holy shit, find something to do on your time off besides thinking your king shit.
Thanks to everyone that did help me out with my questions in other threads. But i dont want to be a part of a forum that have people who make you feel like crap.

hella emo

dashckr (the shocker)

4 in the pink 2 in da stink

or IMSOEMO (tim beeno is emo)


or 1ndstnk

:rofl: If someone gets one I’ll get the other… :rofl:

Ill do it, Ill take 2ndapink

Dude sorry your an emo screamo … but to call me a dick when your asking peoples opinions on what your plate should be is gay. How many of your friends do you call before you get your hair cut or buy some jeans??? Just do it and be done… Also I pay for all my shit and work my ass off to get what I have so to call me a prick well your no better. Also woo wee I am 22 and have had a “job” for about 15 years … “job” lightly but have been working for what I have that long. So piss off and get over yourself. :nono:

I have a lot more respect on here than you, and many people know me and my car and, I have full respect for everyone I meet. But I originally was joking around but seriously just keep a regular plate no reason to draw unwanted attention to your car unless you like tickets and people to F with your car.

I am glade you are proud of your car but at the end of the day man … its just a car. Who cares …


what a fucking faggot

and I thought sunbird was a homo, well he still is, but he isn’t this bad. :smiley:

and noone sits on here thinking they are “king shit”, but we will make fun of a n00b who wants a vanity plate for your average everyday car.

  1. I paid for my car myself
  2. I was not writing that on my time off, I was at work.
  3. Quit crying you emo fag, your 21 be a man.
  4. Vanity plates are gay.
  5. If you dont want to be part of this forum, please revert to the red X on the top right hand corner of your screen if you are running Windows, just incase you are running OSX its the red circle in the top left of your screen, kthanksbye.

I think what it is, is that you created this thread…this is a typical forum, sooo your gonna have your smart ass replies, serious replies and everything in between BUT come on know I highly doubt it hurt that bad to hear them. The board members are for the most part civil with the every " now and again " E-fight ( unless your Sleepergtp or First-bass of course -thens is everyday ) :stick: WHAT I’M GETTING AT…take everything on here as a grain of salt—stick around these guys aren’t really that bad.

don’t go getting all girly on us. :smiley:

if the n00b can’t take a thread or 2 of bashing, he shouldn’t stick around.

:angel: - its just cause I’m so nice :grouphug: I just can’t help it

Chad has an vanity plate on his mustang :kekegay:

yet they are emo and gay. contradictory? :drama: monger

chad has a dare plate on his mustang thank you very much.

beats a OBX style SCF sticker :kekegay: