New Pittspeed Sticker Idea (let me know what you think)

So i had the idea of a Window Decal that said “Pittspeed = ______” and you wright your handle in the space.
I figured if enough people got these they would be interested to see all the people from the forums they pass everyday without knowing. let me know what you guys think?

if there is enough interest Whitey will get it done.


lay off the hookah

as me

no thanks

to be honest i think most people on here no what each other drives. the ones we don’t know what they drives is because we do not give a shit


what do you drive :stick:

Dumb Ass.

And the idea is too…

An orange and black pumpkin :dunno:

got it Cinderella. do not forget the glass slipper

Good idea… so if someone pisses me off on here and I don’t know what they drive, when I see the car I know whose windsheild to throw the brick through.



worst idea ever

not a good idea


it’s not a great idea, but it’s not as bad as letting xlogic stay a member of Pittspeed, that’s the worst idea ever. :smiley: