lifter noise?

Just recently Ive had what I think is a lifter ticking quite loudly.

Only at idle, its on and off, its very random, I hear a loud ticking coming from the right side of the valve cover. If I rev the motor it automatically goes away. It kinda sounds like a diesel.

Just wondering whether anyone has experienced this or is this a common problem on SRs.

Do I have to remove the cams to take get at the lifters? Or is there an easier way to do it?

I have rocker arm stoppers BTW. Other than that the motor runs fine.

Checked the play between the rocker arms and cams and there is none.

Did a leakdown test for the F of it and all cylinders at 5% and under.

I think Im going to live with it for the time being. Seems like its just a worn lifter.

Just wondering, how do you do a leakdown test?

Did you use a feeler gauge to check the clearance of the valve? Might need to adjust the valves.

Yes a feeler gauges was used. adjust the valves? Im confused what you mean by this. The lifters are hydraulic and dont need adjusting.

The reason they make noise is they wear out and leak oil, this is most certainly the case in my motor right now.

A leakdown test is perfomed with a leakdown gauge. You set your piston to TDC and pressurize the chamber. The gauge will indicate any leakage.

My H22A motor that has a snapped tbelt just tested 80% leakdown meaning its got bent valves :confused:

Well I dunno, some engines can have valves adjusted.

try thicker oil like mobil-1 10w40 synthetic with delvac (detergent)

or even a cleaner like half a can of seafoam in the oil

I’d never put cleaner in my oil. This guy cam ein at work, he bought a Millenia S about 6 months ago, he wants us to put cleaning synthetic oil in, 30 minutes later comes backon towing, engine seized up, took off oil pan, main bearrings r fucked, needs new engine.

well that tells us nothing, for all we know his engine was sludged up and the cleaning agent dislodged all the chunkies…

if your engine is happy and you know it, then I see no risk, just be aware what it does

seafoam like lucas oil stabilizer makes oil “stickier”, but seafoam is also a solvent, and lucas stuff will foam the oil under heavy use (which is bad)

they will both improve your compression numbers, but seafoam will tend to clean things and you can leave it in there safely in proper dosage… but if you want a cleaner only and not a treatment I hear auto-rx is the best stuff, it can even degunk main seals that developed leaks and thereby reduce the leak, but you do not want to keep auto-rx in there long or drive it hard

Gunk is usually what seals engines, the metal thins out after a while, theres a reason why compression numbers go down, the crap in the engine fills those gaps, not always good to take all the crap out.

Ticking lifters usually means that they have air in them and need to be rebled. You have to pull the camshafts out but it’s not really much trouble so long as you don’t drop the chain down the front cover :slight_smile:

Have you personally used “seafoam” on your SR and had a good experience? I hope you’re talking from experience and not just from hearing online stories about how good seafoam is.

vg30 and dodge 2.2