lines of accepting responsiblility for someone else question (drunk driving)

i was working valet at buffalo general hospital over the summer. a guy rolls up in a 6-series bimmer(the newer 2 door ones). He was holding a beer in his hand. takes a last sip, puts it in the cup holder. He then gets out, looks at me and tells me, “feel free to have a beer, theres plenty left” and walks inside.

I was a little shocked, and i got a good laugh, but that guy needed help

i was just a little excited to take that 6-series down to the lot

:tup: :word:. Nobody takes responsability for their own actions anymore…it is sickening. You did the right thing man. I would have done the same thing in your shoes. I doubt you will get fired for not letting an obvious stumbling drunk have their car, if anything they should thank you for avoiding a possible lawsuit, and quite possably saving someone’s life.

call the police and have them waiting at the end of the lot

Smart move on your part.

Just out of curiosity… where were you valeting?

9.5 out of 10 bars could care less if u cant walk outta there and then try getting in a car

:word: it’s sad really. i was surprised at how concerned the manager at this place was.

the blu mirage on main st. nice place if you haven’t been.

Bartenders ARE Liable for drunks leaving their bar and driving. Its hard to prove and usually doesnt happen, but thats the way the law is. Kind of fucked up actually since the customer can leave the bar sober-ish, and drink a fifth in their car and then drive… and then blame the bartender.

Bartenders are also liable for underage drinking, even if ID’s are checked at the door.

In other words, be careful if you’re a bartender.