link to pic with Jesse carrying KA in passenger seat?

Anyone? Anyone?

LMAO, Jesse, you’re a terrible terrible person.

regardless of that, he has a cupholder. you’re my hero man. :smiley:

I’d love to see the look on a cops face if you got pulled over :slight_smile:

Cop: “Nice ride, what you got under the hood? WTF?”

Hell, he’d probably start looking for stuff on the motor. "What do we have here?

I remember piling this car --as well as my van – FULL of parts outside a wrecking yard, at night, in the freezing snow/rain in Guelph… what… 2 winters ago? Somehow, this almost seems worse. lol

PS. I like the rear-mounted transmission buddy… Porsche style all the way!
PPS. You facked up that strut bar good! I painted that thing like 2 years ago and it looked nice! You sonofabitch.