Lion attack guy in cage..

I think for me it has to do with the guy being overpowered by the animal and utterly helpless (and he doesnt look like a small dude). He’s just laying there helpless while the animal chomps away on him while they try and figure out what to do. He has nothing he can do except sit there and die, even if he was strong enough to try and save himself he’s so low on blood he isnt moving much at all. It’s just very disturbing to me. While yes, the animal is acting on instinct, and human on human violence is much “worse” it’s something I’ve come to live with. Human on Human violence gets me more angry than it disturbs me (Like watching clips of 9/11, Somalia, Embassy Bombings, RPG attacks, the riots in France last year, etc, etc), Animal overpowering human scares/disturbs me.