Lion attack guy in cage..

I could give two shits about the guy… I’m upset about the lion :frowning: poor little guy… awwww kittah :frowning:

I’m upset that they had to kill the lion. And after it rolled over moaning in pain they left it there and didn’t take it out of its misery.

The lion was just hungry, and people probably taste good. Poor hungry kittahhh


I guess if we didn’t cage animals for our enjoyment, it wouldn’t have happened.




I’m upset that they had to kill the lion. And after it rolled over moaning in pain they left it there and didn’t take it out of its misery.


Agreed, poor thing :frowning:

It’s videos like that that make me feel bad more for the lion than the guy.

so were they feeding the dog to the lion for dinner or what? Or do you take the dog with you when you go for a stroll in the lion cage?

NAh, only mice for the lion to eat.

I think the one of those guys beating the farrets and stuff to death for the pelts was worse.