Little Habib Dude with Stick in his eye...for 2yrs!!

Could you imagine?? :wow

Eye couldnt imagine!

poor lil guy

jesus christ… allah wasn’t good to him

how the fuck did you find this article?? lol

Where is the puke smiley?

I like how they call that huge chunk of wood a fucking splinter… Cripes.

oh my kid has a splinter in his eye…ok lets go home and you can go climb trees and go swimming like nothings wrong!!

fuckin habibs…

that is disturbing…it’s nice living in here where if you fall on a stick you would probably wouldn’t have to wait 2 YEARS to have it removed! :wow

There not as fortunate as us to have the technology or medical experience to perform procedures like this over there. What else are they supposed to do? Risk trying to get it out and kill the kid?

Nope they think “'So we took him home and hoped maybe it would come out by itself.”

I assume somethng financial or what ever the case was must have changed, which allowed them to take him to a proper hospital. If not, and they didnt have some good reason why they couldnt have packed him up and went to the other doctor when it happened 2 years ago, then they are just stupid. Too bad the article didnt explain why they couldnt go to the dr that took the thing out right away. That would clear up alot of things.

It’s a third world country, I’m sure there finances had something to do with it as well but i’m willing to bet the hospital they took him to didn’t have a doctor that was capable of performing the procedure to remove it.

That must of fuckin killed . Imagine sleeping and going about daily activities while having a massive thing in your eye.

this related article interested me more

very well put and grammatically correct. :thumbup

And that shit must really suck. Gotta hurt so bad

wow. fuck all that.

with the way we get jerked around in this country idk man…jkjk…but seriously i can just imagine the doctor “well you seem to be fine and theres no swelling and its not effecting your speech or bodily functions, why dont you come back tommorow and we will take a look at it?” 2 years later…omg we should get that stick out of his eye before he has real complications

so freaking crazy. i scratch my eye and im flippin out! i cant even imagine this poor kid. atleast he got to still go swimming!

My heartbeat has just increased VERY sharply after reading that entire news article.


… adderall has the same effect