Living on Your Own: Any Tips?

Howie about summed it up. Live within your means. Dont overextend yourself financially. Party til the sun comes up. :slight_smile:


your room mate works at a pizzeria. you have no reason to spend money on food. that is all.


i cant stress this enough


when i lived down on bird, our gas bills were 300 dollars in the winter (it was a HUGE apt), and that was 6-8 years ago. with the plastic they came down to under 200.

shop at aldis (is that how you spell that?)

eating at home will save you between 50 and 100 dollars a week

learn to like cheap beer :slight_smile:

buy a couple kegs and have parties every month. that will help cover the bills. even if we didnt have a “cover charge” and just put out a donation bucket we would make a ton of cash. you should see how quickly drunks will empty their pockets.

we dont pay for heat, electricity, or water.

all you have to do is change your eating habbits and buy a diesel…


So, as I’ve mentioned, I’m living in my grandfather’s house. He’s 83 or so, and living in a nursing home. I went through the cupboards yesterday, because I figured it’s about time I straighten up around here.

There were 2 cupboards used for spices. There were up to 5 bottles of some spices, many unopened. In all, there had to be a total of 50 spice bottles. Went down to the basement to store the extras in the pantry, and found even more of some of the same spices. I have no idea what Papa was going to be doing with so much nutmeg.

Now, to my reason for saying this… Most of his food in this house had to come from Aldi. It’s all no-name stuff, but it’s no worse than store-brand (like Wegman’s, etc.). So yeah, shop at Aldi, Big Lots, Dollar General, and all the other low-priced food stores.

Aldi’s cookies are nurmmy in my turmeys

Grandma Aldi makes them herself!

oh who are we kidding…
beck can get girls to do anything for him.

come over and bring food.
clean my house.
bring me your mom’s couch.



you said that wrong. it’s supposed to be “BE a hooker with a walkie talkie.”

Friends who work at restaurant’s = teh rule

need food for a few days…on $10, maybe less? get a pizza. one slice = one meal. (well, this only works if you really don’t feel like cooking…and you know that the roomates aren’t gonna eat it on you…lol)

use 87, unless you really need to use a higher octane

on your days off from work, beat up a homeless dude and take his money. Or just get to the cans first. take your pick.

see change on the ground? pennies add up…and if you find bills, don’t even think about looking for the rightful owner…

use coupons where applicable. (ie: spending $2 on the paper every Sunday can be worth it!)

Most of this has already been stated:
Tubs of Kool-Aid
Instant stuffing and canned chicken is good for 2+meals
Mac and cheese, go store brand
If you drink soda, drink store brand, hell, get everything store brand
Sterlite and rubbermaid can be your friends
Become a regular at walmart at 2 a.m.
Dont go out to eat
Definatly plastic the windows
turn down the heat
make sure everyone cleans up after themselves
steal wireless internet
get lots of roomates, in rochester I lived in a house with 5 people and I only paid $190 a month, utilities are cheaper too.

When you trow parties, suggest someone go pick up some frozen pizzas or something, and make sure everyone pitches in, they will get lots of food and leave most of it behind

Cans and bottles can add up quickly, again left behind from parties

get a girlfriend and move in with her parents