& ready to roll!

pimp pimp


make room to park it all in front so i can :beer::beer:

so you’re parking the whole trailer/tow truck there now or just the cars?

Get the hell down here so we can go eat fatheads

WOW I was wondering if the Pinks car was making its appearance!! COOL:D

pimp…save me a spot big guy:love:



dont you get to use a handicap pass? if so front door parking for ya

yeah fuck unloading them we’ll park that bitch in front of the place

i don’t have one yet for me …i gotta get the one of my mom and shes not answer’n the phone…but i usually just park in them anyways…

yea if they see ya they’ll under stand

there is no such thing as handicapped parking in the Southside

nvm she finially answered i’m going to get it …

thats my theory too…lol

like i said. there is no handicapped parking in the southside

i was wondering that then quik said ther was and now u say no…lol :confused:

i bet there are lik 3 spots for the entire strip… who knows though.

Good luck!!!

ohh…i’ve never been there so i’m not familar wit it