after reading all that bitching about “blah blah i’ll go get some c16 and add 2 meelion horsepower” thread, it made me think…who around here actually has c16?
Mike @ Innovative has 112 i believe.
Paulter’s on Broadway, has C16.
Paulter on Broadway near Alden is the only one I know of that has C16 at the pump
is pump the only local source? i mean, are these honda boiiiiiis stockpiling drums of instant 2 million horsepower? b/c i need me some of that…
but seriously, can you buy drums of it local too, or just at the pump?
You can order it from Trey at Airport Collision. But unless you are getting a full drum, it’s more convenient to buy from Paulters. Remember, that stuff has mega-lead and it fuck up O2 sensors in short order. Not to good for cats either.
C16 is killer due to its lead content.
IIRC, Innovative has unleaded 112 - I THINK. far safer, and mo betterer
i dont think many people running c16 are running cats