Local Evo Crash


Couldn’t have said it any better myself, the hypocrisy runs strong.

I guarantee a majority of you have gone at least 100mph on a public road sometime in your driving careers. Plus I don’t see how anyone who roll races on public roads can say anything about this accident, seeing how roll racing typically reaches speeds of 120-140mph, sometimes with a passenger videotaping etc.

The kid is just damn lucky he didn’t kill anyone else or his passenger though, so it’s not as bad as it could have been at least.


Yes, but most don’t reach those speeds an onramp with other cars “next” to them, although I don’t know how another car was next to the kid if he was going over a hundred.

If you ask me he was probably gonna slam into the back of some car going half his speed, and got hard on the brakes, slid to avoid the car. Kind of thoughtful imo.

I know not everyone on this board is an angel, but the details of this accident are far from what most would be doing, unless they knew what they were doing.