Local Movers

Anyone have a good company that does small moves in the city? I had shoulder surgery so can’t really carry anything and will be moving this month into a new apartment. The move will just be a 1 bedroom apartment so am not looking for a home mover company.

Home Depot, learn Spanish.

We don’t have it here like they do down south or out west

For something that small just post an ad on here offering pizza/cash. I’m sure there are more than a few dudes on here who would do it as a Saturday morning side job. Rent a uhaul yourself and do the driving/supervising while they provide the muscle.

Anyone know or work for a moving company on here that does small moves? I have a 300 lb cast iron tub I need moved to up to my second floor bath.

I used Reliable Movers of WNY. They are cheap and awesome and reffered them to friends. I think you get 2 guys and a truck for $100/hour. May be able to call them and see if they are interested.