Moving costs...

With my knee, I can’t do it again. I basically almost ended my life when my buddy and I moved in my current place. Given I have the luxury of cheap Mexican labor, I plan to take advantage of this. However, I will kill myself if the cost is too high as I’d spend that on my new plasma for the office.

Curious if anyone has used professional movers? Google search and craigslist has TONS!

I have a 3 bedroom apartment but only use 2 bedrooms (master and office), a bathroom, walk-in closet used for storage and random shit, kitchen, fairly big living room, and a grill outside. I am very bad at estimating so I will not even try. I would probably handle all the boxing and shit like that. I assume at the time of arrival, the entire place must be broken down and in boxes, and the legs off the kitchen table. I would hope they have furniture blankets. I am moving 2 miles to my new place that’s on the 4th floor.

Box everything up. Rent a Uhaul. Head to your local Home Depot, drive around back, yell “trabajo!” and take your pick. Bring your new labor home and you just saved $2000.

While I have unlimited cheap Mexican labor, I am very worried about them breaking my shit. I guess I could move ALL electronics and breakables first. Man, it’s soo easy to say that but it’s a back breaker when you do it.

beer, pizza and a truck can go a long way

Shawn: Hire movers for the expensive stuff. Then hire Mexi’s for the basic stuff.

Most of my buddies live in Albany so it doesn’t make sense for them to help.

well maybe you dont have enough beer or pizza to meet new friends around there ? :slight_smile:

I got plenty of both. :slight_smile:

we know you have plenty of food, what what about friends ;D

pics or death

Pizza = Louie and Johnnie’s Pizza Cafe on Central Ave in Yonkers or Luigi’s Pizza on Bronx River Road in Bronxville
Beer = Brooklyn Beer. Period.

oh, I thought you already had a ton of it sitting at your place… oops

Pizza will ONLY be fresh but I do got typically about 10-30 beers of various type and about 10-15 bottles of liquor. :slight_smile:

Wine is occasionally in the fridge but always used so I am out of stock. Cooking wine is the exception. :slight_smile:

I’m moving this Sunday. We are moving out of a 1400 sq. ft two bedroom with a living room/kitchen etc, so maybe a similar amount of stuff to what you have, or maybe not. The distance to the new spot is 7 miles.

I didn’t get a “professional estimate” so I don’t know about that.

I DID call this crew advertising on Craigslist. It’s a couple guys from Sienna College who use their truck and do the grunt work. However, you have to pack up all of the stuff beforehand. They basically move it from one place to the other and put it where you want. After I told them by phone how much stuff I had, they told me they think it will take 4 hours, which happens to be their minimum charge for a move. No in-home estimate or anything like that.

Now they charge $75/hour, so that’s a $300 minimum. During my second phone call to them, they informed me that there is a $75 fee for the travel time and renting the truck. I wasn’t made aware of this extra cost when I called them the first time, so I basically told them that $375 is big jump over $300. Hell, $75 buys a set of rotors for my car!

So I informed them that considering the increase, I was inclined to do the job myself so I had to think it over, etc. To make a long story short, I guess they figured they needed the work (that, or the beer supply was running low) so they threw out a brilliant counteroffer- I rent the truck myself, and they will provide me two guys for however many hours it takes to complete the job. The cost for the two guys total would be $200, irrespective of the time it takes to complete the job.

This sounded extremely reasonable to me so I took them up on it. The cost to rent a truck up here is $29 a day (17 footer) plus $0.99/mile. So figuring 2 round trips to move everything it will cost me less than $75 for the truck rental all in all. All told, the move should cost less than $300.

If they don’t break my “hood rich” home theater system (consisting of a pair of $29 computer speakers plugged into the back of the LCD monitor) maybe I’ll tip them another $25 to make it $300 even.

Hopefully they show up sober on Sunday.

I don’t know how this compares with the Across the Border Crew that you have access to, but $300 to move all of that sounds decent to me.

That labor price is low. I’d rock taht right now.

liedke moving>*