Anyone ever use a local moving company??

I’m closing on my house on Monday and wanna start to line up a Moving company. Has anyone used a local company?? It should take a few professional movers no time at all to move my family. Everything will be taken apart and broken down, and no bullshit boxes either as I bought a ton of storage totes to make the process that much easier. If anyone can recommend a company please let me know. Thanks!

Deadbeat and a Uhaul.

Don’t forget Ls?ws6 as well

Yeah, U-Haul and your car.

I pick things up and put them down

All great responses, I will take them all into consideration.


the local guy that has done it for me twice is great, very quick and it only took them one truck load. they were completely done within 4 hours

Congrats on the purchase man!!!

I used the place over on Curry Rd. before you hop on 890. Liedke or something around that name. Did good. Two scrawny dudes moved all furniture, and they insisted of me putting my drawers full of clothes back in the dresser so they could make less trips. Homeboys lifted a 600lb dresser (just guessing, IDK really).

Thanks for the heads up Cossey. Just called Liedkie and they seem legit, another place called Clark moving is going to send someone out to my place to give me an estimate.

call allied too. they have a local group do the move

I know the son of the guy who owns Liedkie, definitely a good moving company. My good friend of many years works there actually, he’s a slim dude that I’ve seen put up 300lbs on the bench before LOL.

Well that is good to know, don’t want any of my stuff getting dropped.