Local Rice

I’m pretty sure I know the one you’re talkin bout

orange/black with a giant wing on it and 1 or 2 fart cannons?? if so yeah thats it :rofl it wasnt parked in the same parking lot as me and I didnt feel like finding it

Scions are fucking gay.

fuckin tool tried to race me in the gli. :wtf

not sure… I think delmar. We saw him in glenmont. Yeah and it is a screamer, but deff not in a good way lol

I think I know the car your talking about

yupp that’s the one. apparently it’s turbo’d too :ahh

lol that scion can be found almost every afternoon-evening behind the double dragons in east greenbush. along with a silver celica.

that scion ripped off my boy leo, who actually Has a boosted scion widebody. and looks nothing like that thing haha


i gotta find those pics i had , some serious rice ! damn damn

hopefully i can find them soon, fuckin hilarious, its a lancer riced out to the max (in india)

I know the kid that owns that car… Him and his brother are cool kids, they’re just into that style I guess. His brother has a silver celica.

They always give me the hook-up on Chinese food!

shit d00d, turbo camry!

Theres a kid down the street from me with a white mid 90’s bmw 4 door (no idea what series, i dont think its a m) with “euro” tails, a huge fart can, and black wing that looks like it might be on upside down. Kid drives like a DOUCHE all the time

There’s a pink Civic with a bodykit/F&Fspoiler I always see parked near the I Love NY on Hoosick St. in Troy. Have to remember to bring my camera next time…

I literally said WTF out loud to myself when I first saw it.

Around cohoes? Thinks hes the big man “throwing it ssssidddewayzz” around every turn… Black painted hood. Really showing his power to everyone.


Nope, I live in renss…but its a car I just started seeing, so maybe the tool bag moved here

I think this guy works second shift at my job…Took a pic a few weeks ago…

gtfo are you serious

Nah, he’s kidding. Those pictures from inside his GSR are fake. YETTI