Log onto BMW forum, see this:

Native Americans are pretty much white compared to the people that you can’t see at night unless they are smiling.

You definitely did not say this^^^
This is what i’m talking about…the more you guys speak…the dumber you appear. Just sayin’

It was in Off Topic and it’s a few pages long now.

:rofl I didn’t think this thread would go more than a post or two

Did you ever see hundreds of native americans die from their homes collapsing. No, why?

Cause they were a hard working efficient honorable people. Haitians are 90% theives and lazy beggars. Its just all this media coverage is sprucing shit up.

neg rep srs fail

shittiest post i’ve seen on shift in a long time, you are such an idiot

perfect example of the mentality you can see in people born and raised in a country like this having no idea about SHIT

Go back to your casino, Kemosabe.

in b4 racist lock.

Also in but hoping to catch some laughs before shit hits the fan

haitians suck americans rule

^ + Juan


Not quite.

Is it their fault they got hit by a MASSIVE earthquake? No.
It is their fault they have no economy, therefore, not money to build homes/building to safety code? No.

The issue isn’t with the Haitians directly, it is the fact that they have not had a stable government since the news first started being reported. There technically is no economy it Haiti, so they do what they have to do to get by. They have needed help for a long time, the Earthquake is what got them media coverage and opened the eyes of people willing to help.

ha ha ha ha

You will pay clark…someday you and all your rascist white chronies will be living in squalor…your economy WILL fail and you will have nothing to fall back on. Some of us however are better equipped for…and when the proverbial shit hits the fan. So go ahead and poke fun at people who have less than you…the people who actually overthrew and threw out the oppressing french leadership at a time when we could barely say our shit was even together.
The indians got there asses handed to them and still do to this day because they are peaceful people, and because they are passive and dont want to go to war with th u.s. govt. Even though they should to take back what is rightfully theirs…like this country, it’s land and it’s stoopidz internetz forumz.

It’s a joke, Squanto. :rofl

I know…but what i’m saying isn’t. Thats what you guys don’t get…it’s coming and you’ll see it…believe me. Your life will never be the same.

I get what you’re saying, I just know that it’s complete BS. :smiley:

Riiiiiight…like I said…you’ll see…don’t worry.

The thing is it makes no sense that there is no economy in Haiti. Their location and the fact they are connected to the Dom. Rep. and geographically right next to Cuba gives the country no reason to be unsuccessful. Yet they export nearly nothing and import nearly nothing. Their tourism trade has dwindled to almost non existant.

They have no system of education, they barely bother to export anything, they have no system of health care, there is a huge unemployment number yet most of the businesses that opperate there are under employed. Haiti used to be one of the richest places in the world then “the world” left Haiti to its own devices and it ended up where it is today. One of the biggest contributing factors to this is the ignorance of the people. Many of them refuse to learn anything. Literacy in most cities is 10% yes 10% of the population can read. Lots believe or blame the voodoo religion that is wide spread down there but it breaks down to plain and simple ignorance. There have been literacy programs run in Haiti since the American occupation started in WW2. Most institutions report classes of 5-10 people if that.

The US has been aiding Haiti since 1946 and really just throwing money down the drain cause it only becomes more and more of a shit hole. So when i see all this money being sent over there when there are millions of Americans who worked long and hard for everything they have and lost it all due to this economy and our nations debt still struggling it pisses me off. There are people in this aerea code more deserving of that money than Haitians. We as well as other parts of the world have been handing this county the means to better itself for decades and it only continues to spiral down the drain. I’m tired of seeing my money, that i pay in taxes go to silly things. Donate money to native amercians so they can build casinos sure 100% why cause they are creating jobs and helping their people. Donate money to Tsunami releif to a country that was well developed and a toursit attraction sure get those people back in their homes and working. Donate money to a country full of the impoverished who show they are trying to improve Im down for that too but to a country that has been taking aid for years deacades heel generations and only been sinking deeper and deeper into nothingness is stupid. Especially the amounts we just sent over there. The welathiest people over there equate to the value of the average middle class american citizen here. With the amount of money we just sent over there and the number of people who just died we just gave them a great reason to sit back and relax.

Honestly who do you think that $$ is going to. I can tell you not the poor. its rebuilding the homes of the rich who are just going to use it to become richer and lazier. Like someone said to me the other day we just paid for a bunch of new kitchens, escalades and big tvs. The poor will get a few cans of beans and a Susan Sarandon commercial

I agree with SRS,

Haiti is like the lazy, greedy, scum, welfare-living ni9nogs in downtown Schenectady.

I’m just tired of Seeing this country take food and supplies from its own people many of which desperately need it right now and give it to the less deserving just to look good.

Thats really what it boils down to, we are a nation full of liars, theives, and murderes with gooc people sprinkled on top who jump on the “good deed of the month” so we can say we’re good people and sleep at the end of the day.

When is the good deed coming to all those hard working dudes in the GM plants who went from making $20 and working for a living to having no job and are losing their homes, minds and families?

So yes Call me an undereducated bigget. I wrote a 25 page final essay in college on Haiti so I think i might just know a thing or two more than what most people are seeing on MTV News