Log out issues

Okay, when I am at work and i go on to the site ( even after logging out ) I remain to be logged in. Any idea why this is?? Thanks for any help you can offer!

you just have to clear the cookie… go to start -> search and then type in pittspeed and press enter

it will find cookie files for the site. delete those, restart Internet explorer and you will be logged out. Sometimes it has issues with it, its a known problem with vbulletin

I have the opposite problem…mine auto-logs me out way too quickly. Sometimes I hit “reply” and by the time I finish my response and hit post…it tells me I’m not logged in, that’s a PITA.

same solution

just click on “REMEMBER ME” when your logging in. Just remember to logout

Why would you ever want to log out of pittspeed anyway?! Its sooo much fun!

Delete my cookies?