staying logged in

ive been getting logged out when i navigate to different parts of the board, and when i post it goes to cannot find page page

Just checked with Vbulletin. it in fact is a error that happens on a persons PC with old cookies or corrupt cookies.

Follow this link

This will clear your cookie and allow you to create a new cookie. Hopefully this will solve the problems.

i got that a few times
even on my own board i get it i clear out all the cookies and temp pages everyday

did that and still cant log in.
it shows my name over on the right but not at tha top to view new threads even after i clear the cookies your way whitey :wtf:

well i perma banned you then lifted you, i think that resets the session on this end with the software. I also tweaked the board to maybe fix the error, i think it might be fixed now

if you are using IE make sure you go to tools, options, clear cookies and clear temp.

PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 01870AFD

vBulletin Message
You have no Cookies

still no good mr white.
can ya help a brother out???

don’t know what to tell you, i can’t replicate the problem on my side.
something has to be corrupt with your cookies… could be the index file even that doesn’t get deleted when all the other cookies do. i read that this issue occurs when a user is on multiple message boards at once. things get confused with the cookies.

what browser do you use? maybe try and alternative brower

Could be… but I’d imagine only if the person is browsing multiple VBulletin boards at the same time.