Logo Vote



I suggest if you’re trying to make professional profiles, then you should have a professional paragraph format. Atleast the correct spacing between sentences and puncuation. Not to diss.



are u trying to make $$ off making custom myspace profiles? im not wowing at you, im wowing at the people who will pay for something sooo lame…

no offesne, but i can just see u Messaging some random hot chick and offering to make her a myspace profile… haha


a lot of ppl use myspace to promote bars, modeling, music, etc… so its a big help when it looks nice and professional rather then just the same ole myspace page


I suggest if you’re trying to make professional profiles, then you should have a professional paragraph format. Atleast the correct spacing between sentences and puncuation. Not to diss.


she is in control of that… not me

that flash is dynamically driven so she can add/edit/remove clients when ever she would like. she is in FULL CONTROL of what goes in there. NOT ME. nice try.

Nice try? I SAID NOT TO DISS, CAN’T YOU READ? I wasn’t dissing you. I was just saying. So sorry that I didn’t know she had control of what was put on there.


You would have been better off being decisive on your own, growing a pair and just picking it yourself D0s. So much easier and less painful. It’s your endeavor, who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks of how you implement it?

You must really like drama. All these people weighing in and nobody picked up that

  • it’s a free resource to help people
  • The logos are all rough draft ideas, and not finalized.


There’s not a single logo there (MAYBE the lower left, but that’s pushing it)…there are some fonts though

Yeah…but its typical forum fashion to join the hate wagon and not read or know the facts before posting.

Everyone wants to be heard…noone wants to listen.

Its funny to watch “innocent” threads go to the $hitter because of the hate machine that is a few posters.

404 logos not found.

Can I pick the white space at the bottom?


Yeah…but its typical forum fashion to join the hate wagon and not read or know the facts before posting.

Everyone wants to be heard…noone wants to listen.

Its funny to watch “innocent” threads go to the $hitter because of the hate machine that is a few posters.


shut up shithead…


i think 5 is the best, but im really that crazy about any of them. try not using all caps or maybe just different thicknesses of the same font.


please lets keep this drama free and “they all suck” comments out of this… just need a simple vote… THAT IS ALL






man, thats asking A LOT of ppl here

You, of all people, should know that



You would have been better off being decisive on your own, growing a pair and just picking it yourself D0s. So much easier and less painful. It’s your endeavor, who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks of how you implement it?

You must really like drama. All these people weighing in and nobody picked up that

  • it’s a free resource to help people
  • The logos are all rough draft ideas, and not finalized.


i just have a hard time making up my mind.




Yea, but that is like asking

what is 2+2?

option a: 1
option b: 7
option c: 64




I can’t vote on a logo when there is no logo to vote on!

you can actually read what it says without making your eyes hurt. maybe someone already said that. i didnt read anyone elses.


i just have a hard time making up my mind.


No kidding, I know what you mean!

I was just outside and I saw three different pieces of dog shit on the lawn, and I thought to myself… “hrm, which one of these pieces of dog shit do I like better?!” I just couldn’t choose!

Kidding aside, I would just do something simple and readable, you probably don’t even need a “logo” for a site like that. Exposure is much more important, and the work that you are giving away should be the bulk of your priority. There are plenty of blogs out there making a shitload of money that have the stock wordpress theme with Arial 18 point bold HTML text as the header.


Ok here are the rough drafts of logos i am doing for a personal project i am doing.


again, can you people not read? just vote. don’t like any of them? then don’t waste the time replying. To be frank i don’t like really like any of them either… but once i have one picked out i will finalize it and use it.

let me say this again. these are rough draft’s.

[SIZE=2]why am i posting up rough drafts and not the final product?
because i am not wasting my time with producing 6 final good logos, when people can get the general idea off the rough draft.


I really don’t know why you are having us vote on logo’s

  1. of course there is going to be drama, if you say no drama please… its just invites it
  2. If they are rough drafts, why not make some finished ones, and ASK for critiques. I’m sure there are suggestions, that people can make to improve what you have already, instead of just asking which one is the best.
  3. most people have no idea what looks good, let alone what the color scheme, and style of the site. The logo, should fit the style of the site.
  4. I personally don’t care any more
  5. god you get worked up quick… lol
  6. vote for new Custom status = “the new Violator”


No kidding, I know what you mean!

I was just outside and I saw three different pieces of dog shit on the lawn, and I thought to myself… “hrm, which one of these pieces of dog shit do I like better?!” I just couldn’t choose!

Kidding aside, I would just do something simple and readable, you probably don’t even need a “logo” for a site like that. Exposure is much more important, and the work that you are giving away is much more important.

