Logo Vote

LOL Please God I hope not.

Was that thing about the Gucci suit and the girls a few pages ago for real?


you really no clue.

portfolio on my site is outdated.

with in the next couple of weeks i will have a few big projects that are being launched that will make you re-think your last statement.


I have no clue? Seriously, send me something that uses code that validates…send me something I can read without using a style sheet


I have seen tom’s testing sites, I’ve seen the web marketing projects he’s done. I’ve just finished looking at your portfolio on your website.

Tom > You

In terms of visual design/layout and coding/structure/CSS

Did you use the exact same layout for hunters hobby shop and cozumel grill?

Oh and BTW



Do you understand the concept of SEO or no?


i did that about 2-3 years ago, it was a template. i am not in charge of that site of all.

yes i know plenty about search engine optimization. do you?

stick to blowing lines of coke.


i did that about 2-3 years ago, it was a template. i am not in charge of that site of all.

yes i know plenty about search engine optimization. do you?

stick to blowing lines of coke.


Since you live in the past

Wasnt that joke funny 4-5 years ago?

Dozr, whats your education?


yes i know plenty about search engine optimization. do you?


Send me a site that can be read 95% or better w/o using style sheets and we’ll see if you know anything about seo. Fuck send me a site with more than 5 competitors that shows up top 10 in a natural listing on google.


Dozr, whats your education?


AS from the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. (120+ credit hours in 2.5 years)


Send me a site that can be read 95% or better w/o using style sheets and we’ll see if you know anything about seo. Fuck send me a site with more than 5 competitors that shows up top 10 in a natural listing on google.


Make that for a keyword, not for the name of the site.

Granted good code and semantic HTML only makes up a % of SEO weight, but its what you start with.


Send me a site that can be read 95% or better w/o using style sheets and we’ll see if you know anything about seo. Fuck send me a site with more than 5 competitors that shows up top 10 in a natural listing on google.


whats so bad about style sheets?


whats so bad about style sheets?


Nothing is bad about correctly written CSS.

Joe’s point is that when a site is correctly written in semantic (x)html and CSS, when you disable stylesheets, the page will “degrade gracefully” and all content will be accessible since the HTML structure defines the elements.

Content/Data on the web is no longer just read by humans, there are search engine spiders, screen readers, data services, microformats, RSS, etc.

Therefore, we separate Structure, Presentation and Behavior.

Personally I honestly don’t know a whole hell of alot about web site development.

I can say this in Adams defence, I have him currently making me a site for personal use. I am extremely pleased with the work performed thus far. He has been nothing but professional through out the entire ordeal and very patient with my web development ignorance. I would recommend Adam to anyone with full confidence that he could get the job done. I am having his work evaluated by a third party web development firm as well and they seem to have no problems with it whatsoever :gotme:

I think that everyone has taken this a little too seriously. As we all know there is more than one person capable of doing a task in this world. This rings true in every walk of life the only thing you can do is keep quiet, stay honest and let your work and customers speak for you. Talking about what you have done and acheived carries much less weight than a satisfied customer.

Everyone smile :slight_smile:


Nothing is bad about correctly written CSS.

Joe’s point is that when a site is correctly written in semantic (x)html and CSS, when you disable stylesheets, the page will “degrade gracefully” and all content will be accessible since the HTML structure defines the elements.

Content/Data on the web is no longer just read by humans, there are search engine spiders, screen readers, data services, microformats, RSS, etc.

Therefore, we separate Structure, Presentation and Behavior.


I certainly understand the separation, I’ll definitely have to look into the site degrading gracefully. Gives me something else to do when i’m bored and want to make a quick site for a friend or someone. lol


http://revision3.com/ when disabled is bad…

http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/index.php is worse

but something like

http://www.tomshardware.com/ seems to maintain the structure quite well… but, its ugly…

http://www.sportsline.com/ just all hell breaks loose…

what am i looking for?

haha. dos is the only person on here that can make a thread and it turn into a multi-page argument/flame fest everytime.

i liked number 5.


I certainly understand the separation, I’ll definitely have to look into the site degrading gracefully. Gives me something else to do when i’m bored and want to make a quick site for a friend or someone. lol


http://revision3.com/ when disabled is bad…

http://www.nyspeed.com/forums/index.php is worse

but something like

http://www.tomshardware.com/ seems to maintain the structure quite well… but, its ugly…

http://www.sportsline.com/ just all hell breaks loose…

what am i looking for?


Revision 3 is coded correctly. The document breaks down to its core elements in a linear fashion (According to how they are placed in the doc flow). Its readable, you can distinguish between the different types of titles and the paragraph content, the nav is a list, etc. <br><br>Some high profile sites that have adopted web-standards include wired.com, espn.com, gm.com, etc. They are converting by the dozens.

Actually, ESPN and Sportsline are perfect examples, ESPN is coded with web-standards and Sportsline is table based old school html.

i am done with this thread. logo has been chosen and production is under way.

dozr you are a tool and always have been. Even before i meet you i knew that hearing from others. Just do your self a favor and me a favor keep your nose and comments out of my work and as i will do the same. I never go into your threads and say negative things or go around talking trash about you and your work.

so out of respect i would appreciate if you did the same.


i am done with this thread. logo has been chosen and production is under way.

dozr you are a tool and always have been. Even before i meet you i knew that hearing from others. Just do your self a favor and me a favor keep your nose and comments out of my work and as i will do the same. I never go into your threads and say negative things or go around talking trash about you and your work.

so out of respect i would appreciate if you did the same.


Well for one, I’ve never asked a car forum for design feedback.

Most of my comments towards you in the past have been suggestions or advice that you just happen to take offense to. You realize that you do bring this type of thread upon you… I don’t go out of my way to comment on anything you do, but when it gets put in front of me, I will speak my mind.

so…did you go with number 5?


how long is it going to be before we are doing the work for you since we are already picking out fonts and “logos”

you are not pumice…


I am.

And this thread was pretty entertaining. Nice little pissing contest about some pretty subjective topics. To each his own. You kids with your HTML and CSS. I come here for 10 minutes and I already want to go back under my rock. :slight_smile:


I am.

And this thread was pretty entertaining. Nice little pissing contest about some pretty subjective topics. To each his own. You kids with your HTML and CSS. I come here for 10 minutes and I already want to go back under my rock. :slight_smile:


Yea, this thread reminded me why I was rarely posting.

I felt these were apropriate: