lol @ Audi_Sniper

:lol: at you for trying to race my girlfriend in her automatic 4cyl accord… i hope your exhaust is just really loud and you were not wot because she wasn’t even racing and you were barely even pulling :slight_smile:

I understand you’re restless from the winter but damn mang, girls in stock grocery getters?!

What the hell are you talking about? I have not raced anyone this year… I took the car out Sat to take pics and thats it… Maybe got on it a few times but was not trying to race anyone especially in some 4 cyl honda…

“And barley even pulling” I would not even waste my fuel racing that accord by the sounds of it…:lolham:

It was probably the same person who caused a lot of drama here, whose name is not mentionable here.

OH NO, the dick in the silver audi is at it again. Was his hat tipped to the side.

edit - damn beat me to it officerK

I’m dieing to hear your reply back on this one…

haha looks like someone is getting a little defensive =)

but its not like you could pull a 2006 autotragic accord anyways dude, so why are you so pissed?

LOL* Okay funny guy,

oh my god, this was realy meant in a joking manner, but the car had the exact rims as the ones that you posted in that thread… maybe i am wrong? :gotme:

here is a good way to distinguish if it is audi sniper or not…

if the driver does not look like this

then it aint him so shut up. :stuck_out_tongue:

i don’t think he had a hat on… i could be wrong though, but the rims were def the same as these


What day and time and where did my so called race take place?

you sound like big enough of a dick to race an '06 accord coupe :gotme:

last night… maybe 9:00, amherst, near the golf course. I looked over, saw the car, thought, hey that looks decent, then my girlfriend pulled out a little ahead of “the silver audi with your rims” and then said car came up and paced her, she didn’t even notice, then it sounded like a downshift and go (sort of going). It kind of sounded like an automagic downshift tho, not sure if your’s is auto.

dude, theres more then 1 silver audi around here with wheels.

and theres bbs style wheels that look like those on those audis.

you probably have the wrong person.

^^lol owned

nice edit

Wait I’m a dick when your the asshole calling me out?.. Yeah makes sense there buddy…

What day was this???

holy fucking audi gangbang :lol:

sorry that i somehow confused a car that looked exactly the same, with the same rims, what a fucking asshole i am :tup:

when did i call you out :gotme:

when you call someone out on having a silver audi with bbs style wheels, plan on looking like an idiot.

audi gangbang? i drive an accord.

Holy shit… Someone must have come to my house and took the car cover off and took her for a spin, while I was in class last night taking a test at EEC south until 8:30. And they seemed to get in back to my house and back under the car cover when I got home at a little after 9… This is is crazy shit that someone is taking my car out with out me knowing…

darkkstar, sorry i am not completely up to date on your profile. I am sorry if I have caused you another slit on your wrist, holy shit.

Same car, Same rims, once again, i must be a fucking moron. lol.

Ok, then say, I didn’t have my car out, wrong person… hahah, fucking tweaking out makes it seem much more like it was you :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe the cats are driving it :lol: